– Minister (Milos) Motika is working on solutions. We have a meeting this week to discuss the schedule of work on the bill. Departmental Road, Government Act. About 2 months. At the end of the first quarter, we would like to find solutions, Hennig-Kloska said on radio Zet when asked about the wind farm law.

The minister emphasized that “there was never a desire to abolish the minimum limit of 500 meters for large windmills” and assured that this limit will be maintained in the new act.

The Windmill Scandal

Initially, the regulations amending the so-called Wind Farm Act, which exempts the rules for the location and construction of wind farms in Poland, are included in the draft act amending the Acts to support electricity, gas fuel and heat consumers and some other acts that extend the freezing of energy prices until June 30. 2024 year.

Later, the Parliament bill included an amendment to amend the laws to support consumers of electricity and gas fuels, which provided for the removal of issues related to the construction of windmills from the proposed regulations.

This project reduced the distance of windmills from nature reserves or national parks to at least 300 meters. However, the separation of wind turbines from multi-family residential buildings, farm development areas, recreational and recreational areas, and residential and service areas shall be dependent on the noise emitted by the wind turbines; The area of ​​300 meters should be subject to acoustic protection.

In the case of single-family buildings, development zones related to the presence of children and adolescents, in hospitals – acoustic protection should cover an area of ​​400 meters.

Tusk's coalition has suspended work on the controversial project

The project was sharply criticized by PiS politicians, who argued that doing so could lead to the expropriation of residents for wind farms. The then Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said that Donald Tusk's government had not yet been formed and it already had its first scandal – the windmill scandal. He added that the Poles would lose with the proposed regulations and the lobbyists would win.

Ultimately, the wind farm project was put on hold at the end of last year.

Also read:
The Tusk government takes care of the Białowieża Forest. Hennig-Kloska reveals the details

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