Archbishop Charles Scicluna, who serves as archbishop of Malta and is undersecretary for the doctrine of the Vatican's dicastery, said in an interview published on January 7 that the church “must seriously consider” Change the rules Regarding celibacy.

– If it were up to me, I would change the requirement of celibacy for priests. It's probably the first time I'm saying this publicly, and for some it sounds heretical – he said in an interview given to Times of Malta newspaper.

A shocking proposal

The 64-year-old archbishop said the Catholic Church should learn from the Orthodox Church, which allows married men to be ordained priests.

– Why should we lose a young man who would be a good priest just because he wants to get married? Celibacy was voluntary for the first millennium of the Church's existence and should be voluntary again, a close aide of Pope Francis has said.

Archbishop Scicluna, who has personally conducted numerous investigations into clerical sexual abuse on behalf of the Vatican's doctrinal office, expressed his views on celibacy in response to a question about Catholic priests in Malta who maintain secret relationships and have children out of wedlock.

– This is a global reality. This is not just happening in Malta. We know there are priests all over the world who also have children, and I think there are priests in Malta who can have them, Scicluna said.

– A man can mature, start a relationship, fall in love with a woman. Right now he has to choose between him and the priesthood, and some priests deal with it in secret romantic relationships, added a close associate of Pope Francis.

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