The session of the Seimas, which was supposed to be held on January 10-11, was postponed until next week, Seim Speaker Shimon Holovnia said on Tuesday. Among the deputies should have discussed: the 2024 budget act and the Pegasus investigative commission. The president of the Personal Data Protection Service was also dismissed.

The session of the Seimas was postponed. What about the budget?

Will postponing the meeting threaten the budget? editor-in-chief Lukasz Kijek asked the deputy chairman of the Public Finances Committee of the Parliament in the Seimas about this.

We are on the appointed date at the end of January. Kristina Skowronska said that the Seimas will achieve this in time.

– We have the second and third reading ahead, as well as the work of the Senate and discussion of changes after the Senate. The date of adoption of the budget and the act related to the budget is not in danger – said the deputy Civil coalition.

There is no danger, we will finish the constitutional terms, he added.

The Marshal of the Seimas explains the decision

The Marshal of the Seimas is Shimon Holoun He explained at the press conference held on Tuesday Decision taken by the Bureau. – We need wisdom and social peace, we already have enough power. Poles are tired of fighting – she said. – I know that this is interesting for all of us, we will be somewhere else in a week – he added and said that the final decisions will be made by then. According to Holounia, “Seim is not a journalistic studio” where they continuously comment on current events. Holovnia said that the Sejm is responsible for passing laws.

The last thing any parliamentarian should want is for the Sejm to turn from a place of law-making and discussion, sometimes very heated, into a place where scenes we don't want to see in the parliament can take place, argued Marshall.

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