Journalist Jedrzej Bielecki is known for his sympathy for the current government. “Apart from Emmanuel Macron, there is no such important politician in the European Union today Donald Tusk, the leader of the Polish democratic opposition” – he wrote on the website “Rzeczpospolita” on October 15. In turn, he recently commented on the US presidential elections: “The mobilization of the Polish diaspora is a necessity for the Warsaw government to help the re-election of Biden. It would be revenge against the White House, which forced PiS to resign, or the so-called lex Tusk, or protecting TVN's broadcasting rights helped save Polish democracy.

Luxury apartments, i.e. Western Europe

Now he turned to the topic of housing. “The prices of apartments in the capital of Poland are almost as high as in the capital of Spain. This is because Poland is becoming an integral part of Western Europe. This should not cause any concern,” Bielecki asserts, noting that “it is not only a country with a similar population, But above all, a country with a per capita income of 50,000 USD, according to the International Monetary Fund, is not far from Poland (45,000 USD).

Is the “safe 2% loan” program introduced by the PiS government responsible for the increase in house prices? According to Bielecki, this is only one of the reasons. “However, there is a factor that is less often mentioned. This is the image of our country. After the removal of the nationalist populists on October 15, the situation became much better“- judges.

The journalist's text caused a wave of criticism and ironic comments. “Mr. Jedjei, maybe we should increase housing prices by law to become Europeans faster?” – asks Jakub Vichy from the portal On the other hand, former TVP journalist Bartlomiej Graczak notes: “Phew, this is the price of getting closer to Europe. I breathed a sigh of relief.”

“I would make medicines, cars and Kaiser rolls more expensive so that we could be fully European,” jokes Mateusz Grzeszczuk, author of the Podróż bez passportu podcast, while PiS youth activist Oskar Safarovic says ironically: “Because of people's smiles. Faces on the street and the breath of European freedom, I can pay any price after opening the windows.

Also read:
Even a double-digit increase in housing prices? Experts of the new program of the Tusk government

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