– The Presidium of the Seimas unanimously decided that the two sessions of the Seimas scheduled for this week will be postponed until next week, – Holovnia said at the press conference and confirmed it. Unofficial references.

– The most important thing for us today is to work on the budget. “Yesterday, we held consultations on this matter (…) to make sure that the budget adoption process is not in jeopardy,” he explained.

Marshall said that the sessions of the Seimas, during which the deputies will discuss not only the budget, but also the issue of no confidence in the Minister of Culture Bartholomew Sienkiewicz, will be held next Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

Bosak criticizes Holonia

After the meeting of both bodies, the deputy chairman of the Seimas published a post on the X website on behalf of the confederation.

“During the Presidium, I expressed criticism towards the Marshal of the Seimas, who made key decisions without talking to the representatives of all powers of the Seimas,” he wrote.

“Even during the Presidium, I was the only one who expressed a different opinion from the Marshal of the Seimas. Assessment of the legal situationRespecting the President's pardon act and revoking the decision to abolish mandates based on the Supreme Court ruling. The rest of the members of the presidium consider the loss of mandates to be indisputable, they do not see a legal basis for the speaker of the Seimas to be interested in the decision to pardon the president, and they consider the decision of the Supreme Court to be valid only with the right of filling. Mandates of convicted MPs, not in terms of extending or losing their mandates.” – read Bosak's post.

“Also, during the congress of the chief, I was the only deputy who raised legal doubts about the composition of the Chamber of Deputies at the next session. It is interesting that the PiS club representative criticized the Marshal of the Seimas only for changing the date. At the session of the Seimas, the head of the left-wing club echoes the difficulty of the holidays in raising the festive plans. “Only in response to my question did the representative of the PiS club comment on the legal status of their deputies,” wrote the president of the Sakrebulo. National Movement.

We remind you that in addition to the speaker and the deputy chairman of the Seimas, the representatives of the parliamentary clubs are included in the convention of elders.

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