Sessions of the Seimas scheduled for this week were cancelled. Deputies were supposed to continue working on the 2024 state budget, however, one of the reasons for canceling the meetings is the chaos related to the expiration of the mandates of PiS deputies Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Vesic. Therefore, the question arises whether the Seimas will be able to meet the budget on time. If this had not happened, Andrzej Duda could have held new parliamentary elections.

Will the Seimas be able to adopt the budget?

Sessions of the Seimas It was planned for January 10-12. There was even an item on the budget bill on the agenda. However, Shimon Holonia announced on January 9 that the session of the Seimas was cancelled. It is scheduled for January 10, 11 and 12. This is due to doubts related to the expiration of parliamentary mandates Mariusz Kaminski and Mackie Vesik. There is a fear that the Seimas will not be able to pass this year's budget due to limited meeting time. Why does this matter so much? Because in such a case, the president may demand new elections of the Seimas and the Senate. This corresponds to art. 225 of the Constitution, according to which the President can issue an order to shorten the term of office of the Parliament, if the budget bill is not signed within four months from the date of submission to the Seimas. On the other hand, the Constitution does not explicitly provide for the situation when parliamentary elections are held between the submission of such a bill and the adoption of the act. is decisive The termination principle – According to him, most of the projects submitted in the previous term, including the budget, are no longer valid and may be thrown away.

Let us remind you that such a situation happened last year, then the government Mateusz Morawiecki He submitted his project on September 29, 2023, but the Seimas did not consider it due to the elections held on October 15. government Donald Tusk He presented his project on December 19.

Now there is a risk that Andrzej Duda will use this legal loophole to call for new elections. He may decide that the deadline for submitting a copy of the budget is January 29, 2024. If the ruling majority wants to finish the parliamentary work by January 29, the Senate will have to do the work faster.

Maciej Wąsik and Mariusz Kaminski in the presidential palace

As we reported in naTemat, everyone expected the arrest of Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Vesic, and an attempt was made. On Tuesday, January 9, before 10:00 a.m., the police arrived at the politicians' homes.

However, officers were unable to locate Vesik and Kaminski. As it turns out, at that time they were most likely already in the presidential palace, where they went to the ceremony. Then “Fact” reported that Macie Vesik left the house in the morning and his son had to block the car of journalists who wanted to follow the politician.

Andrzej Duda He spoke about this the day before, on January 8. We remind you that on Monday the District Court of Warsaw-Shrodmiescie made a decision that Maciej Wąsik and Mariusz Kamiński were transferred to prison. On the morning of January 9, the police received a court order ordering the police to take Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Vesic to prison.

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