Since 2016, the position of the president of the social insurance institution has been held by Prof. Gertrude Uchinska.

How does Minister Dziemianowicz-Bek justify the desire to dismiss him? “The Social Insurance Institute has many tasks and responsibilities for the social protection of Polish women and men, which are carried out by more than forty thousand employees who deserve decent working conditions and pay. The coalition calls for a new opening on October 15 that ensures responsible management of such an important institution,” reads X's website.

According to the regulations, “the president of the institute is appointed by the prime minister at the request of the minister responsible for social security, who is submitted by the opinion of the supervisory board of the institute.” The Prime Minister dismisses the President of the Institute. at the request of the minister responsible for social security”.

Who is Prof. Gertrude Ucinska?

He was elected Chairman of the Steering Committee of the International Social Security Association's Technical Commission on Old Age, Disability and Survivors Insurance. He was also appointed to the management office of the association.

In 2018, Prof. Ushinska was awarded the Gold Cross of Honor, and in 2022 the Cross of the Commander of the Order of Polonia Restituta. In 2021, he received the award. Vladislav Grabski is honored by the Leviathan Confederation

Prof. Gertruda Uszczynska is a researcher and teaching assistant at the Faculty of Political Science and International Studies, University of Warsaw; Professor of the Institute of Labor and Social Protection. In 2012-2016, he was the Vice-Dean for Student Affairs at the Faculty of Journalism and Political Science of the University of Warsaw. Since 2020, he is the chairman of the Committee on Labor and Social Policy Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences.

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