It has not been so cold in Poland for a long time. Frost is a very difficult time for homeless cats, which they cannot survive without human help. Here are 5 things we can do to keep them from freezing to death.

Homeless cats need our help. Without it, they have little chance of survival. Some of them are hidden on gas stoves, while others are hidden in garages and basements. Those who have to spend the night outside are in the worst condition. Here's what we can do for them.

1. Feeding with dry food

In freezing weather, cats have less energy because they spend a lot of it on heating their bodies. About this They have less energy to search for food. Feeding them saves energy and prevents hypothermia.

On homeless cats in winter It is better to eat dry food – There is no fear that such food will freeze. In addition, you can Pour over the salmon oilto fatten up and give the cats more strength.

It is best to avoid canned wet food (it freezes quickly) and if so, rewarm it gently. The main thing is that Follow the prescribed feeding timeso that the cats do not wait outside for food and do not freeze.

2. Eat water with oil

For cats, except for food, It is also worth giving water. It is best to do this while eating. so that it does not have time to freeze. If it has to stay out, it's worth adding it A few drops of oilwhich will delay turning into ice.

It is very important that The bowls were not steel. Such bowls quickly catch cold and literally press the tongues of cats. It is best if they are located in a covered and quiet place – somewhere we can keep an eye on.

3. Opening a window in the basement or garage

By opening a window in the basement or garage, you keep the cats safe emergency shelter. Although it won't be warm inside, it will definitely be warmer there than outside. You can place a polystyrene booth or a cat bed inside.

In such a shelter, it is worth giving food and water to the cats Place the litter box – Not all cats can (and should not) dig in the snow. It is important that cats are not disturbed by neighbors, children or other animals.

4. Buying or building a cat house

cat's house You can do it yourself made of styrofoam Or buy it in a store (cost about PLN 40). Some Foundations distribute such booths free of charge – Just contact them and get the house yourself.

It is important not to put towels or other fabrics in the booth – these materials quickly absorb moisture and cool instead of heating. It will work much better of straw – You can buy such a lining in pet stores or get it from a farmer.

5. Protecting sick or weak cats

Your help will help save healthy but not sick cats. If you notice it in the frosts A cat with cold symptoms – the disease, which takes terrible damage at this time, protect the animal and bring it to the nearest clinic.

Symptoms of a cat's cold:

  • discharge from the eyes and nose;
  • Fever
  • lack of appetite
  • Lack of desire to play.

Similarly if you meet An animal with ugly fur, thin, pregnant, young or injured. For this purpose, you can cooperate with animal organizations that have “catch cages” – this will help if the cat is not tame and afraid to approach.

Unfortunately, many shelters do not want to help homeless cats, claiming that they are free-living animals, but it is worth taking your cat to such a facility. Some homeless cats can find a home there.

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