The police received documents on the bringing of PiS politicians – Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Vesic – to the penitentiary. However, they stay in the presidential palace, where – as they told the media – They are conducting negotiations with President Andrzej Duda. Due to the confusion surrounding the arrest of the former CBA leaders, the Speaker of the Seimas, Shimon Holovnye, decided to postpone the session of the Chamber scheduled for this week.

Does Duda have another idea?

According to the President, the pardon granted in 2015 is still valid and there will be no more pardons. However, this does not mean that Andrzej Duda does not want to help PiS politicians.

“IN In the coming hours, Duda may announce that he has decided to keep the amnesty in place while replacing it with “removal of fines and removal of convictions.” The fact of the conviction and the imposition of the sentence is a new circumstance, which, according to Duda's experts, will allow him to take a similar step. Such an option had to be consulted with Manovska, with whom he was on an unofficial visit. We will find out by the end of the day whether this will happen or not.” – reports

Paprocka: The only possible solution is to receive a pardon

– There is only one solution to this issue. To take a step, calm emotions and recognize the pardon of 2015 – said Malgorzata Paprocka, Minister in the Chancellery of the President, on Radio Three.

According to him, “this is the only solution in this matter, because at the moment everyone has legal arguments, everyone has decisions, and it is very difficult for a citizen who wants to learn about this case to form an opinion.”

When asked whether Andrzej Duda can take a step back and sign the second amnesty, Paprocka answered: – The president speaks clearly. All state bodies are obliged to act in accordance with the law. Let's return to the protection of the Constitution in this regard and the matter will be resolved.

The head of the presidential office, Gražina Ignacak-Bandić, said last week that the first pardon remains in force, which is why the head of state does not intend to make a similar decision again in the case of Kaminski and Vesik.

Also read:
Plazinski: Kaminski and Vesik tried to break up powerful agreements

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