Polsat News revealed that the prosecution's request to waive Grzegorz Braun's immunity was submitted to the Seimas. It follows an infamous incident in December when a Confederate politician snuffed out Hanukkah candles with a fire extinguisher during a parliamentary celebration of the Jewish holiday Hanukkah.

As Interia reported on Tuesday evening (9/01), the application submitted by the Prosecutor's Office to the Seimas is currently under consideration and concerns several accusations against Grzegorz Braun. It will be referred to the appropriate committee on Wednesday.

There is a request to waive Brown's immunity

on Tuesday, December 12, during the celebration Jewish holiday Hanukkah A politician from the Confederation of the Polish Crown took a fire extinguisher and – to the indignation of the crowd – put out the candles. Chanukah.

While the entire room was speechless and watching the scandalous situation, one woman stood up to protect the Hanukkah candles and the deputy sprayed her in the face with a powder fire extinguisher.

– Racist motives were written here, and I will restore normality, put an end to satanic, racist acts of triumphalism, because this is the message of this holiday, – the confederate later said.

As a result of the scandalous act, the Presidium of the Seimas excluded Brown from the case.

– The Presidium of the Seimas punished Deputy Brown with the maximum punishment available to him. Therefore, in addition to being dismissed from the job, he will be punished by confiscating half of the parliament's salary for a period of three months and by confiscating the full allowance of the parliament for a period of six months,” he said after the incident. Shimon Holavnia.

Also read: https://natemat.pl/530989,skandal-w-sejmie-braun-zgasil-swiece-chanukowe

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