The police received the documents Bringing PiS politicians to the penitentiary – Mariusz Kaminski and Macie Vesik. However, they remained in the presidential palace on Tuesday, where – as they told the media – they held talks with President Andrzej Duda. Due to the confusion surrounding the arrest of the former CBA leaders, the Speaker of the Seimas, Shimon Holovnia, decided to postpone this week's session of the House of Parliament.

“They can be arrested at any time,” Deputy Justice Minister Maria Eichart-Dubois, who is in charge of prisons, told Wyborcza.

“It is worth noting the change in the law introduced by PiS. Before that, convicts were summoned to prison. It allowed him to prepare, pack, and say goodbye. And PiS changed the regulations so that the court. Now gives the order to execute the sentence. This means that the police have the right to stop a convict on the street, have the right to enter his house and can also stop him in front of the presidential palace. So yes. It can happen at any time.” – says Adam Bodnar's deputy.

one cell unknown

The deputy minister noted that the PiS politicians were to be sentenced in one of Warsaw's departments. ““It doesn't matter if they are in one department or another, because they will not serve this sentence together,” Eichart-Dubois said.

However, when asked whether Kaminsky and Vasik can be placed in the same cell, the politician answers: “These are the decisions of the director of the unit, where they will be sent, and the Penitentiary Commission.” Security issues are taken into account when receiving them. First of all, which are most important in this situation. “It's about protecting convicts from possible aggression, for example verbal aggression from other convicts, but it works both ways. All prisoners must be safe, and the same applies to Mr. Kaminski and Mr. Wąsik. ”

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“The police could go in there.” Chmaj: The presidential palace is not extraterritorial
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The court responds to the request of Kaminsky's lawyer. is a statement

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