“The proposal that Andrzej Duda acquit Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Vesic for the second time is an attempt to entrap the President. It is an attempt to undermine the prerogatives of the President of the Republic of Poland. We do not agree with it,” wrote the head of his office Grazyna Ignacak-Bandić on the X platform.

On Tuesday evening (9/01) the head of the presidential office Andrzej Duda He commented on the arrest of convicted PiS MPs on the X website Mariusz Kaminski and Michal Wojcik. Grazina Ignačak-Bandić He emphasized that the head of state was not going to acquit these politicians a second time.

Duda's plan with Kaminski and Vesik was revealed

“The president will write to the heads of state and the heads of international institutions and inform them that we are dealing with the violation of Polish legislation and the constitution by the executive authorities,” said the head of his office.

Urgent meeting with Duda

Also late in the evening, Telewizja Republika reported that the president had met emergency meeting. That being said, it has to do with the aftermath Arrest of Kaminsky and Vesik. Earlier, “Gazeta Wyborcza” established that “in the next hours Duda may make a statementthat He made a decisionThat he supports the pardonand at the same time changing them”By removing the sentence and removing the conviction“However, after the aforementioned entry of the head of the law office, this scenario is unlikely.

“The fact of the conviction and the imposition of the sentence is a new circumstance, which, according to Duda's experts, will allow him to take a similar step,” says the article of “GW”. The president was to consult with the first president of the Supreme Court, Malgorzata Manovska, whom he met recently. Duda has not yet announced that he will make any remarks Tuesday evening or overnight.

Also read: https://natemat.pl/535295,kaczynski-i-garstka-poslow-pis-pod-aresztem-wyglosil-przemowanie

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