On Tuesday evening, the police entered the presidential palace. Former head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration and former head of CBA Mariusz Kaminski and his former deputy Maciej Wąsik They were arrested.

Reporter of “Republic” TV station in the police department. He spoke about the “kidnapping” of Kaminski and Vesik

With the notification of the arrest of Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Vesik, the reporters of the Republic TV Company went to the field to report on the progress of the case. The viewers of the station could watch a special edition, and the inscription under the material was written: “This is how a dictatorship is created – the Tusk coalition builds a totalitarian system.”

A recording of the intervention of one of the station's journalists at the police station in Grohów district of Warsaw, on Grenadierów Street, was circulated on the Internet. The journalist was allowed inside and the footage shows him discussing with the officers.

– We wanted to get information whether Maciej Wąsik and Mariusz Kamiński were in the department. Are there any members of the Seimas in the territory of your country and what are their activities? – he asked.

However, the staff mediator at the scene referred the reporter to the press spokesperson.

– At this moment there is a possibility of committing a crime. There is a possibility of abduction of members of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland. Therefore, I would like to inform you whether they are here or not, because we are concerned about their safety – however, the release of the journalist of “Republic” TV Company was not possible.


The case of the former heads of CBA

The former heads of CBA remained sentenced by final judgment The so-called land scandal for their activities in prison, despite the fact that in 2015 President Andrzej Duda used the amnesty law against them (after an indefinite sentence). – The president's pardon is legal. When the president made this decision in 2015, there was a very thorough review of the government's position. Opinions were divided, but there were also very serious voices, which clearly indicated that the pardon is the so-called Individual cancellation – explained Malgorzata Paprocka from the President's Office on Zet Radio.

Kaminski and Vesik do not recognize either the court verdict or the decision to terminate the parliamentary mandate.

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(tags translate)telewizja Republika

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