Mariusz Kaminski and Mackie Vesik stayed on Tuesday evening They were arrested in the presidential palace, where they stayed at the invitation of President Andrzej Duda. PiS politicians were first taken to the police station at ul. Grenadiers, and then in the Grokhov pre-trial detention center.

According to the head of the presidential office, Grazyna Ignacak-Bandikh, the officers entered the palace during the president's absence, when he went to the Belvedere to meet with the leader of the Belarusian opposition, Sviatlana Tsykhanuskaia.

Unofficial: Kaczynski hopes president will reach 'nuclear option'

Onet reported that no one in PiS, led by President Jaroslaw Kaczyński, had considered such a “forceful scenario” in which police would enter the presidential palace to arrest Kaminski and Vesic.

The party leadership has more and more expectations for President Andrzej Duda. Kaczynski personally relies on the “nuclear option” in the form of shortening the term of office of the Seimas and, accordingly, calling new parliamentary elections.

The protest planned for Thursday, January 11, is supposed to be the start of a major PiS offensive, which will include people taking to the streets and demonstrating “to defend the constitution and the rule of law” in many Polish cities. According to Onet, Kaczynski's associates are hoping for the largest street protest in Poland since 1989.

Kaminski and Vesik were arrested. Protests in Warsaw

Mariusz Kaminski and Macie Vesik remained December sentenced by final judgment in the activity e. land scandal, even though President Andrzej Duda used the amnesty law against them in 2015. He did so after a partial ruling, which lawyers dispute.

Kaminski and Vesik do not recognize either the court's verdict or the decision of the Speaker of the Seimas, Shimon Holonia, to terminate the parliamentary mandate. They appealed his decision to the Supreme Court, and the Chamber of Extraordinary Control and Public Affairs ruled in their favor.

After the arrest of Kaminski and Vesik, about 300 people protested in front of the presidential palace. The action was also held at the police station, and then at the detention center. There he appeared among others: PiS President Jaroslaw Kaczynskiwhere there was talk of “an incredible scandal” and “the first political prisoners since 1989”.

There are signals from PiS that another amnesty action, or rather a 2015 correction, is possible. As “Gazeta Wyborcza” reports, there may be talk of “forgiveness of fines and cancellation of convictions” due to new legal circumstances.

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