According to, the Marshal's Guard warned Seim Speaker Szymon Holovnia that MP Grzegorz Braun was asking where firearms could be stored when he arrived at the Seim session. According to the portal, Holonia has already applied to the police about a possible gun permit for Brown.

Does Brown walk around the Seym with a firearm?

According to, the Marshal's Guard immediately used a fire extinguisher after Grzegorz Braun. He blew out the Hanukkah candles In the Sejm, the speaker of the Sejm, Shimon Holonia, was warning about another issue. A confederation lawmaker had earlier asked them where a gun could be kept when he arrived for a Sejm debate, which they believed might indicate he was moving around the Sejm building with a firearm.

– The Marshal of the Sejm learned from the Commander of the Marshal Guard that Deputy Grzegorz Braun asked the Marshal Guard about a place in the Sejm building where he could store weapons, in connection with Grzegorz Braun's behavior on December 12, 2023, when Deputy Braun. The Hanukkah candles were extinguished – admitted Katarzyna Karpa-Świderek, adviser to the Speaker of the Seimas in an interview with

As he explained, the Marshall Guard was asked about this by Braun before Shimon Holonia took the post of Marshal of the Sejm. However, this issue has come back because… Controversial behavior of a deputy in the Seimas.

Shimon Holonia reported this to the police reports that the Chancellery of the Sejm was going to take measures regarding the message of the Marshal Guard.

– After the incident in the Sejm involving Deputy Brown, Marshall sent a letter to the police expressing concern about whether Grzegorz Brown qualifies for a license to own a weapon, said an advisor to the Sejm speaker.

It was also noted that it is forbidden to bring weapons into the plenary hall of the Seimas, but the Marshal Guard does not search the deputies.

Among the parliamentarians, there are also legends about the black briefcase, which Grzegorz Braun never leaves in the Sejm. Some politicians believe it contains important documents, while others believe it contains weapons.

The spokesperson of the confederation responds to the spread information

In this regard, Marta Cech, press secretary of the Polish Crown Confederation, whose founder is Grzegorz Braun, commented.

– I don't know whether MP Grzegorz Brown has a gun permit or the gun itself. He is a promoter of universal access to guns, but is also an opponent of gun registration. The permit is that there is a list of gun owners that can be considered a subscription list. I doubt whether the MP allowed himself to be included in such a list, he said.

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