The confederation proposed amending the constitution and creating a new National Council for the Judiciary, a Constitutional Tribunal and a Supreme Court. This is another result of a huge political and legal dispute between PiS and PO circles.

A fight over Vasik and Kaminsky

Currently, there is a political debate over whether the presidential pardons of Kaminski and Vesik in 2015 were legally effective. According to the representatives of PiS, the pardon took place in accordance with the law. According to the ruling coalition, this did not happen.

On Tuesday evening, the police entered the presidential palace, where the former head of internal affairs and administration and former head of the CBA, Mariusz Kaminski, and his former deputy, Maciej Vesic, were present. According to the court's decision, both persons were arrested. PiS politicians were first taken to the police station at ul. Grenadiers, and then in the Grokhov pre-trial detention center. In December, they were legally convicted of the so-called land scandal. representatives PiS claims that the prisoners are “political prisoners“.

Bosak: Conviction was correct, pardon mandatory

In an interview on RMF FM, one of the leaders of the confederation, Christoph Bosak, was asked to comment on the matter.

– To be clear, I condemn the actions of Mr. Kaminski and Mr. Vesik – said the deputy chairman of the Seimas. “I believe that many years ago the CBA was acting, allowing and directing things that they had no legal authority to do,” he said.

– Based on my knowledge, which is publicly available in the media, it is my opinion that they broke the law – Bosak said, adding that they were properly convicted. – And the president had the right to pardon them – he noted.

The deputy emphasized that, in his opinion, the rule of law means that even though you may not agree with the fact that the president exercised the right to pardon in this case, it should be respected. According to him, unfortunately, at this moment political emotions took over. “We have half of the political scene that hates these two people because they are symbols of what was wrong in the PiS government,” he said, adding that the opposing side used even rudimentary legal interpretations just to arrest PiS politicians. .

A proposal for confederation

Bosak recalled that the confederation proposed a “constitutional reset,” or an amendment to the constitution that was adopted through compromise and re-created the National Council of the Judiciary, the Constitutional Tribunal, and the Supreme Court.

The Deputy Chairman of the Seimas emphasized that this concept would have a chance only if all political forces realized that it is better to have a good judicial system than a bilateral conflict. – I know it's very unlikely, but the role of politicians is not only to propose possible solutions, but also good ones – he argued, and then explained the details of the idea.

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Kaminsky's hunger strike. Deputy Minister: Everyone has the right not to eat or drink
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(tags translated)wąsik i kamiński

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