A policy that truly serves man cannot be dictated by finance and market mechanisms, the Pope said at an audience with members of the DIALOP association, reports Vatican News PL. According to KAI, ““The above-mentioned association is dedicated to promoting dialogue between socialist-Marxist circles and Christianity, trying to develop a social ethic based on Christian social teaching, Marxist critical theory and feminism..

“don't back down”

Meeting the members of this association in the morning, Francis encouraged them to persevere in their efforts. – Today, in a world divided by wars and polarizations, we risk losing the ability to dream. But we Argentinians say: don't fight – don't retreat. And this is an invitation to you as well: do not retreat, do not give up, do not stop dreaming of a better world, said the Pope.

He also called on DIALOP members to be able to break patterns, care for the weakest and promote the rule of law. He emphasized that in times marked by conflict and division, we must not lose sight of what can still be done to change the course of events. Against a rigid approach that separates from each other, let us develop confrontation and listening with an open heart, without excluding anyone, at the political, social and religious levels, to positively welcome the contribution of everyone, in their specificities, to the processes. Changes that involve our future.

Speaking about the weakest, Francis emphasized that solidarity is not only a virtue, but also a requirement of justice. It is necessary to correct the distortions of unjust systems, including by radically changing the perspective of sharing challenges and resources between people and nations. “Let's not forget that the great dictatorships, think of Nazism, rejected the weak, killed them – and civilization is recognized by how it treats the weak,” Francis added.

Pointing to the need for the rule of law, the Holy Father calls on people to fight the scourge of corruption, abuse of power and lawlessness. – This is the only way to establish healthy relationships and work together for a better future, Francis said.

Association DIALOP has been operating for almost 10 years. It originates from a meeting in 2014 with two left-wing politicians of the Pope, Alexis Tsipras from Greece and Walter Bayer from Austria. Francis should encourage them to encourage dialogue between their communities and Christianity. According to Bayer, this dialogue is possible thanks to the changes introduced by Francis. The Pope and the part of the Church that follows him have approached the position of the left, which tries to emphasize common collective values ​​- believes the founder of the association DIALOP.

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The blessing of sin

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