Mariusz Kaminski and Mackie Vesik stayed on Tuesday evening They were arrested in the presidential palace, where they stayed at the invitation of President Andrzej Duda. PiS politicians were first taken to the police station at ul. Grenadiers, and then in the Grokhov pre-trial detention center. Politicians of the ruling coalition do not see any offense in the behavior of the police and appreciate the actions of the services towards the PiS MPs.

President Andrzej Duda made the announcement on Wednesday in this case. – I am deeply shocked by this situation. Despite the president's pardon, he was put in prison. And that it was done with such determination and such brutality, both legally (…), physically and medially – he emphasized.

Maciej Wąsik's wife spoke about her husband's arrest

After the arrest of Mariusz Kaminski and Macie Vasik, the wife of the second politician spoke about this issue. Roma Wąsik commented on the portal He did not hide that yesterday's actions against politicians shocked him.

– This is not the first blow that Machik and I received, but I must admit that it is a shock to me. He left because he was taken. I cannot contact him, admitted the wife of the former deputy head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration.

Roma Wąsik also appealed to law and justice politicians and right-wing journalists to remember this case and not stop talking about it in public space.

“We cannot leave them! Roma Wąsik addresses PiS politicians

– I only ask you one thing, don't forget them! Because the oppressive government is counting on this, it will take two, maximum three days to activate and dry, he emphasized.

He also emphasized that he hopes for a large turnout at the demonstration in front of the Seimas on January 11, where “Poles will have the opportunity to express solidarity with the detained parliamentarians.”

She mentioned that she was worried about what was in store for her husband in the near future.

– We cannot allow this, we cannot leave it! – he asked.

Also read:
“Totally unreal.” A famous writer about what is happening in Poland
Also read:
The reporter of the TV company “Republic” interfered with the police. He talks about the “kidnapping” of Vesik and Kaminsky

(tags translated)maciej wąsik

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