How do you assess Marshal Holownia's decision to postpone the meeting until next week?

Jan Krzysztof Ardanowski: It seems like a hasty decision. Marshall does not have full control over the Sejm, he is afraid of the session and the possible escalation of the situation. He largely creates it himself. I look at all this quite calmly. In Poland there is a political dispute, even a conflict, which is very serious and harmful to the state. But this is reality. Holovnia, a bit of a showman, a man of the entertainment zone, thought that he would be “low”, he would be able to talk to anyone, he is fluent in speech and expressions, but I don't think he understands well. being a marshal. Postponing the meeting doesn't solve anything, the conflict is what it was.

Will the case of Ministers Vesik and Kaminski bring polarization to a higher level?

This obviously exacerbates the conflict. The legal chaos that reigns makes some people think that the sentence of Kaminski and Vesik and the desire to send them to prison is an element of political revenge, and they will always be convinced that they are political prisoners and take revenge on people who fought corruption. Others will make sure that the final decision of the court applies to all citizens, regardless of whether or not they performed state functions and must be enforced. What worries me the most is that there are such different interpretations of the law. Whether one bears the consequences of a final court decision or how the provisions of the Constitution and laws are interpreted should not be a matter of judgment. Everyone turns to experts, professors. This is starting to get ridiculous. Whatever opinion you want, someone from the group of professors or lawyers will prepare it. This leads to ridicule of state institutions. What can citizens understand from this? The law is unclear and imprecise, if someone is strong he will protect himself, if he is weak he will be punished. This is not an enlightening example of an effective state for citizens, where dura lex sed lex, strict law, is the law. This situation with Wąsik and Kaminski adds to the legal chaos.

Is the split continuing?

Change of government in a democratic system is nothing strange and no one should be surprised. Of course, the election campaign was very sharp and aggressive, and there were often unfair arguments. I believe that PiS made many mistakes, but despite this, there is a change of power, we have to accept it, but the new government cannot say that “the predecessors also did wrong, therefore we are justified. Maybe by law, for Bory.” , bring solutions urgently because who is doing what to us. When it is said that this is a violation of the law and an abuse, but also a good practice that should be practiced in politics, the answer is – “so did the predecessors”. Will someone break this vicious cycle? Will we still be dealing with Tutsi and Hutu tribes who want to kill each other while living in the same territory? We are living in difficult, difficult times, with a backdrop of war, possibly war in the Middle East, with the illogical policies of the European Union, with the desire to change treaties to abrogate the sovereignty of states. These are real dangers. To counter such external threats, we need a united nation that understands its place and geopolitical complexity.

Also read:
Prof. Bishop: Holomania is part of the polarization game
Also read:
Prof. Domansky: Holonia does not want to change the role of a showman to the role of a politician

(tags translated)jan krzysztof ardanowski

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