PiS politicians Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Vesic were arrested on Tuesday evening. They are currently in pretrial detention in the capital Grochov. They were legally sentenced to two years in prison. Katsper Kaminski spoke about his father's case.

Kaminsky was arrested. His son spoke

Today, my father started a hunger strike protest. This is a protest against the injustice, lawlessness and dictatorship that Donald Tusk is imposing in Poland. I ask everyone to pray for his health and success in the fightX said on the website Katzper Kaminski. He also attached a statement saying that Mariusz Kaminski had started a hunger strike.

Earlier on Wednesday, Mariusz Kaminski's statementAndrzej Duda's adviser, Blazej Poboży, addressed Adam Bodnar.

“I declare that I consider my conviction as an act of political retribution for the illegal actions of fighting corruption and confiscating the parliamentary mandate. Therefore, as a political prisoner, From the first day of my imprisonment I am starting a hunger strike protest“- we read in it.

Kaminsky asked to be released from prison and to respect the act of mercy Andrzej Duda was released in 2015.

“I demand the immediate release from prison of all members of the former management of the Central Anti-Corruption Bureau, who were covered by the amnesty act issued by the President of the Republic of Poland in 2015,” he emphasized.

Vesik's wife: She left because they took her. I can't contact him

But not only the Kaminsky family spoke. Maciej Wąsik's wife also spoke to the media.

– This is not the first blow that fell on us Makek, but I must admit that this is a shock to me. He left because he was taken. I cannot contact him, he told wPolyce.pl Roma Vesik, wife of former Deputy Head of Internal Affairs and Administration.

In a conversation with journalists, the lady addressed the politicians of law and justice. – I only ask you one thing, don't forget them! Because this is what the oppressive government is counting on, that it will be activated and dried up in two, maximum three days”, he said.

Roma Vesik also added that he hopes that the demonstration in front of the Sejm on January 11 will have a really big turnout, when “Poles will have the opportunity to express their solidarity with the detained parliamentarians.”

Andrzej Duda also commented on PiS politicians on Wednesday. The President emphasized that there is a fight against corruption The foundation of any modern state. – This is an absolutely fundamental issue. No government of an honest country will allow corruption, he added.

– Those who fight corruption should be under the special care of the state, especially if they fight corruption at the highest level of the state. Just like Mariusz Kaminski – he noted.

According to the president, in 2015 he pardoned the politicians of law and justice, because Convicted for fighting corruption. – My decision caused a heated dispute from the beginning, which was followed by different legal interpretations, – he said.

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