Mariusz Kaminski and Mackie Vesik stayed on Tuesday evening They were arrested in the presidential palace, where they stayed at the invitation of President Andrzej Duda. They were first taken to the police station, and then to the Warsaw-Grokhov Detention Center.

PiS politicians stayed December sentenced by final judgment in the activity e. land scandal, despite the fact that in 2015 the president used the amnesty law against them. He did so after a partial ruling, which lawyers dispute. At the same time, Andrzej Duda states that he will not decide on another amnesty, because – as he emphasizes – the 9-year-old amnesty remains valid.

PiS emphasizes that the imprisonment of Kaminski and Vesic makes them the first political prisoners since 1989.

HFHR: It damages the memory of real political prisoners

The governing board of the Helsinki Human Rights Foundation has published its position on this issue (in 2010-2015, its vice-president was the current Minister of Justice, Adam Bodnar). “determination Prisoners Maciej Wąsik and Mariusz Kamiński Being called political prisoners is a deeply unfair distortion that directly damages the memory of people who are actually imprisoned for their beliefs, attitudes, struggles for democracy and human rights.” – we read in the document.

“The HFHR would like to remind you that both prisoners were justly sentenced to imprisonment for crimes committed in connection with the performance of their public functions by a court decision issued on behalf of the Republic of Poland. This penalty is subject to enforcement. Until the end of the sentence and the release of both convicts by the court or the use of the pardon law by the President of the Republic of Poland”, the organization claims.

“The detention of Maciej Vesik and Mariusz Kaminski led to the expiration of their parliamentary mandate in accordance with the law. The Marshal of the Seimas was authorized and obliged to issue a decision on this situation. Appeal against the decision of the Parliament. Regarding the expiration of the parliamentary mandate, the Marshal of the Seimas should listen to the composition of the Supreme Court, which is characterized by the requirements of independence and impartiality And established by law, the Chamber of Extraordinary Control and Public Affairs does not fully meet these conditions, as recently confirmed by the European Court of Human Rights in its decision in the case of Wałęsa v. Poland,” we read.

HFHR claims that the Supreme Court does not have the competence to legally review the decision of the Speaker of the Seimas regarding the expiration of the mandates of PiS deputies. “The merits of the criminal proceedings against both convicts should be considered only within the framework of the available remedies. The authorities of the Republic of Poland should make every effort to ensure the personal safety of all persons deprived of their liberty,” the conclusion reads.

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Sadursky: It's time to stop treating Duda as a child with special needs
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