There were many indications that Donald Tusk was going to have a sharp clash and social polarization, but yesterday's events and the police raid on the presidential palace are unprecedented in Polish politics. What will be the end of it all?

Adam Andruskevich: The final is still ahead. Observing the gang activity of the new team is just the beginning. However, the entry of the police into the president's workplace and residence is an unprecedented situation worldwide. This happens in authoritarian countries, banana republics, not democracies. This clearly shows that this government will stop at nothing.

The European Commission stated that it does not express an opinion on the internal issues of the European Union.

It's hard not to smile ironically. The European Commission is mocking the Poles, to put it bluntly. We remember that during the time of law and justice, sanctions were imposed on us for the slightest thing, we constantly talked about the rule of law and democracy. Now that the police have arrested the democratically elected MPs, he says it's none of his business. This shows that the European Commission recognizes what Donald Tusk is doing today, who pursues foreign interests. There is no doubt about this.

How important is a large turnout at tomorrow's rally?

This is strategically important. If we, as Poles, show that we are against what is happening, there is a chance that this government will stop. If we don't, it will go away. Mass surveillance of citizens will begin and restrictions on the right to express one's opinion on the Internet will begin. We remember when one of the creators of the website that criticized President Komorovsky was visited by the special services at home. It will all come back. I strongly urge the Poles to build this dam today, not just when it spreads to all of us.

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(tags translated) Adam Andruskiewicz

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