Traveling and hotel stays sometimes come with surprises, especially when we find a room that doesn't meet our expectations or forget to bring the necessary accessories. In such a situation, it is useful to know practical solutions to make your stay easier. One flight attendant shared a series of smart tips on her TikTok channel to help increase comfort.

The stewardess advises you to put your shoes in the hotel safe. How did you come up with this?

Esther SturusOfficially licensed stewardessesActively manages his profile TikTokwhere he regularly shares useful tips and advice with his followers Travel tricks.

Flight attendants, as professional travelers who frequently change residences, have extensive experience in use Hotels. Thanks to this, they know many patents that help them cope, including: accommodation has become a piece of cake for them.

For this reason, it should come as no surprise that Esther Sturus shared a video on her TikTok profile in which she shares some clever tricks with her followers. Some of his advice can be a real salvation for many people.

One of his recommendations applies to people who They have trouble sleeping because of the light. Esther advises that if you can't close the curtains completely, you can use hangers from the hotel closet, especially ones with hinges, to hold the two curtain pieces together.

It is one of the common challenges when traveling Differences in electrical socket standards. In many countries, they have a different form than the one known in Poland, and it often happens that travelers forget the appropriate adapters. The stewardess presented a simple way to solve this problem: Simply connect the USB cable directly to your TV.

What to do with a foil shower cap? Esther advises that it is ideal for protecting shoes. Shoes wrapped in foil can be safely placed in a suitcase without worrying about contaminating other items. The lid can also be used to cover the TV remote, which is especially useful for hygiene concerns.

Another tip that surprised many followers was the information that you can use any card to open the door of the hotel room, not necessarily the card issued by the hotel.

The most surprising tip, however, was Esther's idea of ​​layout Shoes in the safe. The stewardess explains that this is a great way for those who are forgetful.

When traveling, we often carry valuables, electronic equipment or a significant amount of cash, which we lock in a safe before leaving the room for safety. However, when packing and checking in, it's easy to forget your belongings.

That's why Esther recommends that you also put your shoes in the safe. Thanks to this, when preparing to leave the room and putting on shoes, we will be sure that we have not forgotten anything.

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