As the company announced on Tuesday, the management board Powszechny Zakład Ubezpieczeń SA convened an extraordinary general meeting of PZU SA on February 15, 2024. On the agenda of the EGM, among others: changes in the composition of the Supervisory Board. The current board consists of nine people, and its chairman is Robert Jastrzebski.

Changes are coming to PZU

The current head of National Insurance PZU is Beata Kozlovska-Chila. He was an advisor to Przemysław Gosiewski, who died… Smolensk disaster.

In 2020, with the approval of Jacek Jastrzebski, the head of the Polish Financial Supervisory Authority, he took over the position of President of the Management Board of PZU, replacing Pawel Surowka.

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Beata Kozlowska-Chila graduated from the Faculty of Law, Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Warsaw. He received the academic degree of Doctor of Jurisprudence, and then the academic degree of Doctor of Jurisprudence. He is a lecturer. Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Warsaw in the Department of Commercial Law, works as a legal advisor, is an arbitrator recommended in the Arbitration Court of the National Chamber of Commerce in Warsaw – this is how the new president informed about PZU.

According to the company's statutes, the supervisory board appoints and dismisses the management board, including the president.

Capital Group of Powszechny Zakład Ubezpieczeń SA is The largest financial institution in Poland and Central and Eastern Europe. PZU has been listed on the stock exchange since 2010 stock exchange in Warsaw. PZU Group manages approximately PLN 300 billion in assets and provides services to approximately 22 million clients in five countries. Treasury He has 34.2 percent in PZU. Shares

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