– You can say that this is a normal cell, but maybe it looks tough because it is temporary. No one hangs pictures on the wall for such purposes – say Maciej Wąsik and Mariusz Kamiński, criminologist Prof. Pavel Mochidlovsky. Deputy Culture Minister Jarosław Selin, who went to the Warsaw-Grochow detention center with the intervention of parliament, claims to have heard from the director that these are normal conditions in a transit cell and “not too oppressive”. What are these conditions? What could their first day have been like? What is known so far?

Pre-trial detention center in Warsaw-Grochow It's probably the most covered facility in the country since Tuesday. This is where they found themselves on January 9 Maciej Wąsik and Mariusz Kamińskiwhich – was sentenced by the final judgment – They will spend two years behind bars. So far, as we know, they remain the so-called transitional goalswhere they can stay up to 14 days.

– It can be said that it is normal cell, but it may look crude because it is transitory. No one hangs pictures on the wall for such a purpose. There is no settlement, because soon you will be released from there, or to other cells of the given prison, or you will be deported. I don't think they stayed there for long. I guess two or three days – commented the professor in an interview with naTemat. Pawel Mochidlowski, criminologist and former head of the prison system.

– I thought, maybe in the morning, after breakfast, they will take it from here. Each in a different prison, for example in Sluzhewiec and Białolenka. But we don't know. There are two gates, so they could have gone through another gate, we don't know. I would do this to confuse journalists. In their case, the process of imprisoning people can be really strange and highly unusual. Let's see how it goes, he adds.

Celine for naTemat.pl: Kaminski and Vesik have a bed, a table and a sanitary corner.

At the moment, according to media reports, Vesik and Kaminski are in Grokhov. They quickly appeared in the media Cell photos, which this arrestee once shared on his FB profile. They show a small room and two green bunk beds. Could arrested PiS politicians be sent to such cells?

– It's not really. The director of the prison told me that the transit cells are absolutely solitary. They are not big. Bed, table, sanitary corner. This is what I heard – responds Yaroslav Selin, the former deputy minister of culture in the PiS government, in an interview with naTemat, who went to prison on January 10 with the intervention of the parliament.

However, he was not in the cell. He did not see any arrests. He only spoke to the director. He was told that these were normal conditions in a transit cell and, according to the director, “were not too oppressive.”

– I checked whether the director knew what was happening. that miss Detention they are sitting Members of the Parliament of the Republic of Poland, with immunity that they should leave immediately. According to him, he was aware of the ongoing discussion around him, but he made a court decision and had to follow it. I insisted on seeing them. Because of the interference of the parliament, but because I have known them for more than 30 years – this is how Celine explains the reasons for the visit.

– I can describe myself as a friend. We met in the early 1990s because of the struggle with post-communism. I was a journalist then, they were activists of the Republican League, which was quite close to me, he adds.

I learned that vision for temporary purposes is impossible. that at this stage the qualification of the act is checked in order to finally decide where and in what institution and of what nature the convict will be sentenced. about stricter or more liberal austerity. I have heard such phrases. Yaroslav SelinPiS deputy

What impression did the detention make on him?

– It looks a bit like a prison. There is a walking area around. Fairly low buildings with typical castle windows that look outwards and extend slightly higher. Buildings from the 1970s, from the Girek era. I think not much has changed internally. I asked why they came here, but the director could not explain. He only made such an executive decision. And he had to do it, answers Yaroslav Selin.

We asked for transit cell photos and equipment Warsaw-Grokhov Pretrial Detention Center. Do they really look like the picture? We have not received a clear answer to this question.

Spokesperson of the Grokhov Detention Center on the living conditions of prisoners

In response to our questions, the spokeswoman of the detention center, Lieutenant Eva Smolinska, reminded that after entering the facility, the convict is placed in a transitional cell for the necessary period, but not more than 14 days:

“During this time, the prisoner undergoes a preliminary medical examination, sanitary procedures and preliminary personal identification tests (meets with an educator and, if necessary, a psychologist) and is informed of the main legal acts related to prison enforcement. Punishment and internal order of the prison”. cf. Eva SmolinskaSpokesperson of the Warsaw-Grokhov Detention Center

“Prisoners remain… for residential purposes It is equipped with the appropriate amount of accommodation equipment. Convicts receive items for use in the form of clothing, underwear, shoes, bed linen, dishes and personal hygiene products. In addition, newly arrived inmates give the penitentiary administration all the things they don't have in their cell, such as mobile phones and cash,” he replied.

In the living cell, the area per convict is – as mentioned – not less than 3 m².

cell It is equipped with appropriate housing equipment so that the convict has a separate place to sleep. Appropriate hygienic conditions, sufficient air supply, season-appropriate temperature and lighting are provided in the cell, in accordance with the standards defined for living quarters,” says Lieutenant Smolinska.

and the following:

“A convicted person has the right to have in his cell documents related to the proceedings in which he is participating, food weighing no more than 6 kg, tobacco products, personal hygiene products, personal belongings, a watch, letters and family photos. Members and other close people, religious items, stationery, personal records, books, newspapers and club games. cf. Eva SmolinskaSpokesperson of the Warsaw-Grokhov Detention Center

With the consent of the director, according to his information, the convict may have an electronic or electrical device in the cell, for the use of which he is charged a fixed fee of 15 GEL per month.

Conversation with the teacher, tests, B folder…

What the first day of practice might look like Vesik and Kaminski in detention?

Prof. Pavel Mochydlovsky says that first they go to the warehouse, where they deposit civilian clothes and take prison clothes: – At most, they can keep personal underwear. They are given a hygiene kit. They go to the transit cell, then the teacher invites them one by one to talk in his room, which is not much different from the cell. It's a box, but more populated, with more cabinets and papers.

– The conversation with the educator refers to the personal situation in relation to the family. Then they ask questions about their children, wife and whom the prisoners wanted to see. They are asked about their profession, because if they agreed to resocialization, they would have a chance to work. People with higher education worked in the library. Attitude of prisoners committed crimes. Of course, they will say that they did not do it. Then they cannot be directed to either rehabilitation programs And they probably won't be subject to them. And this is where the problem begins, which determines how they function in prison, he explains.

They have not committed a crime, therefore they will not be subject to rehabilitation programs. They will not be considered conditional, because an important element of its acceptance is the prediction. Criminological. A positive prognosis involves admitting oneself to have committed a criminal act and forming a spiritually critical attitude towards this act, which increases the likelihood of remaining free without committing such and other crimes. Otherwise, we sat until the end.Prof. Pavel MochidlovskyCriminalist

– The doctor examines the prisoner. And if he admits to the truth that he has a problem with alcohol or drugs or has attempted suicide or self-harm, he will probably go to a psychologist again, he adds.

The criminologist adds that the convict is kept in the records of the B file, where there will be documents from the prison biography to prison terms, punishments, awards, etc. – A file contains court documents where the course of their criminal activities is outside. It is described – he explains.

In the shortest possible time, the prisoner will be presented to the penal commission, which will establish the rules for serving the sentence. But that's another story. Most likely, Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Vesic will part ways, and I think it's the right decision. However, I would give it to those who were put in a cell, because it is always more fun and peaceful togetherProf. Pavel MochidlovskyCriminalist

Why did Vesik and Kaminsky end up here?

The Warsaw-Grokhov Detention Center is associated with the Women's Prison. General conditions here Prof. Mochidlowski considers it very good.

– The daughter of a famous professor was sitting. The mother said her daughter said, “It's better here than in the wild.” The standard of Polish prisons has improved. These are already very civilized places. Regarding Polish poverty, the standard is certainly higher – explains Prof. Mochidlovsky.

Why do you think Vasik and Kaminsky ended up here? Prof. Mochidlowski talks about high-profile cases of crimes reported in the media, such as pedophilia or child killers.

– Such criminals are not popular. If such people were put in prison, they would probably destroy them, attack them and expect aggression. Some keys provide this information to inmates because they know how the prison reacts. When such a criminal arrives, the entire prison puts on a show of hatred for him and greets him in a way that can be heard throughout the city. Videos can be viewed online.

– In this case, it was expected that something like this would happen, and it was wise to avoid the circus. Each women's facility has a small men's section that houses inmates convicted of non-violent crimes. Previously observed in other plants, balanced, emotionally stable, calm. They are used in women's establishments for heavier work not performed by women. This is where such manly units come from – he notes.

It remains to be seen how much time Vasik and Kaminski will spend here.

Also read: https://natemat.pl/535103,kaminski-i-wasik-z-pis-o-co-chodzi-w-ich-spraw-to-musisz-wiedziec

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