Tensions are rising around the passage of the 2024 budget act. The clock is ticking, even more so Seim Marshal Shimon Holonia postponed the session It is scheduled for Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday next week. And all this because of the confusion surrounding the case of Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Vesic.

It will be recalled that the Law and Justice politicians were arrested and detained by the police on Tuesday evening. Previously, in connection with the 2007 land scandal, the former heads of CBA were sentenced to 2 years in prison.

Some experts point out that the expiration of the mandates of Kaminski and Vesik was illegal, so the Sejm cannot work effectively and legally, which also applies to the work on the budget act. For this reason, President Andrzej Duda could decide that he did not pass the budget bill within the time limit established by law and therefore dissolve the Sejm.

Expert: This is a misunderstanding

Constitutionalist and Warsaw University lecturer Ryszard Piotrowski was asked about this issue. In his opinion, any discussion about this is because Absence of two MPs The president can dismiss the Seimas “because of a misunderstanding”. He emphasized that, in his opinion, Kaminski and Vesik “retain the parliamentary mandate, they just do not fulfill it” and therefore “the Sejm is not complete”.

– Even if we conclude that the expiration of the mandate of Marshal Holonia was effective, the place in the Seimas may be occupied by other deputies. If not, the Sejm will function without filling the two seats. If the Marshal of the Sejm were to expire, he would do so contrary to the resolution of the Chamber of the Supreme Court. Unfortunately, the Marshal of the Sejm has no place here to discuss whether the case was decided by the right chamber – he said in an interview with money.pl.

On the possibility of shortening the term of office of the President and the Seimas, Prof. Piotrowski emphasized that in the case of the budget bill, Andrzej Duda has only two options: sign it or refer it to the Constitutional Tribunal.

– None of these scenarios provide grounds for shortening the term of office of the Seimas. This will be possible only if the draft law does not reach the president on time, explained the expert.

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