Arrested on Tuesday The former heads of the Central Anti-Corruption Bureau have only heated up a political dispute between the government and the opposition that has been going on for weeks. PiS politicians believe that the amnesty law, which President Andrzej Duda applied to Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Vesic in 2015, is still valid, so stripping them of their mandate and arresting them is illegal. Their opponents point to a final court ruling in December that sentenced PiS politicians to two years in prison in connection with a 2007 land scandal.

The new PiS plan

According to Wirtualna Polska, Jarosław Kaczyński's party has created a new plan to take action if Kaminski and Vesik start serving their sentences while absent from the Sejm. PiS should consider using obstruction of the Sejm and postpone the work of the chamber as much as possible.

– We will protest so that we do not start voting without them. There will be an official request to postpone the session before returning to the plenary hall, – says the party politician in an interview with the website.

PiS MP Krzysztof Szczuk believes that “in recent weeks we have been observing a progressive violation of basic political principles by Donald Tusk's government.” According to him, the detention of Kaminski and Vesik violates the prerogatives of the President and the rulings of the Supreme Court's Extraordinary Control and Public Affairs Chamber. However, the politician did not want to say whether PiS would consistently use the obstacle.

– We demand the immediate release of the MPs from prison. They are not only illegally deprived of their freedom, but also prevented from fulfilling their mandate. This may undermine the legality of the actions of the Sejm. I hope that those in power will finally understand this and the rule of law will be restored at the next session of the Seimas, he said.

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