In the text published on the website Teologia PolitycznaJan Maria Rokita points out that we are dealing with a “crisis of the procedural rule” which “is the first shock to the whole system of this magnitude in post-war Europe”.

According to the commentator, this crisis “brings the beginning of a political change of historical importance”.

Rokita claims that the government used an “innovative regime in Poland, which I would like to call a 'limited state of exception'. As with radio and television shows, it was used in a limited way with one act. Media), one of which suspended the powers of the ministers only de facto, de jure He did not announce it,” the former MP explains.

Mastalerek: You can't ignore it

Marcin Mastalerek commented on Rokita's words in an interview with RMF FM. The minister of the presidency emphasized that Rokita is a former politician and once the party's prime ministerial candidate.

– The words of my friend Donald Tusk are worth mentioning. Ian Rokita, in the Political Teologia column, says that the power camp led by Donald Tusk is attacking the rule of law, going so far as to introduce a kind of limited state of emergency in Poland in order to implement it. A revolution that did not happen in the Third Reich, i.e. the Soviet Union. These are the words of the former PO candidate for the Prime Ministership, and I think we cannot ignore them – said Marcin Mastalerek on the air of RMF FM.

Later in the conversation, the politician emphasized that it was a “rape of justice”. – People who fought against corruption went to prison – he said.

Mastalerek said that Donald Tusk's actions, which were announced by the PO leader during the campaign, have come true. – Donald Tusk fulfills his promises. Politically, he satisfies his most die-hard supporters, but at the same time he has strengthened the PiS camp, which has united. Tusk managed to unite the entire right wing, he said.

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