“Whether or not we fulfill our obligations to NATO depends on how they treat us,” former US President Donald Trump said at a campaign rally in Iowa. Republican presidential candidates Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley debated the wisdom of further aid to Ukraine at the time.

Polls at the end of the election campaign show the former president and the billionaire Donald Trump He took the lead among Republicans. If a controversial politician was still in the presidency, it could have devastating consequences, not just for war. Ukraine, but throughout Europe. After the Iowa campaign rally, we can conclude that he is a presidential candidate United States Has a rather casual attitude Obligations to NATO.

“I said I wouldn't protect them.”

While meeting with voters in Des Moines, Trump raised concerns about his potential second term The United States may leave NATO. According to PAP, the politician was asked whether he would maintain his commitments to the North Atlantic Alliance. The billionaire replied that…“It depends on whether we are treated right”.

– They took advantage of us. European countries took advantage (…) cheated us in trade, took advantage of our protection – Trump argued to the voters.

– I went to them and said: I will not protect you. They said, “Are you serious?” I said yes. And the next day, billions of dollars started pouring in, he said. He states that Europe has funds to help Ukraine.

Is Biden to blame for the war in Ukraine?

However, this is not the end of the political fantasy, as the billionaire added that if he were still in the White House, Russia's invasion of Ukraine would never happen. Immediately, the audience of the politician heard a surprising thesis – he was guilty of the conflict…Joe Biden.

According to Trump, the current US president showed weakness and allowed oil prices to rise, which should have helped Putin It means carrying out aggression.

“I will never come to the aid of Europe if attacked”

On Wednesday (10/01), the website Politico quoted the European Commissioner Thierry Bretonhe announced A shocking statement US presidential candidate regarding commitments to NATO.

Trump allegedly told the head of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen in 2020 that In case of attack, Europe will never come to help and NATO is “dead”.

According to the website, the European Commissioner for the Internal Market repeated this story on Tuesday at the event organized by the liberal group in the European Parliament. The politician said that in a private conversation with von der Leyen during the World Economic Forum held in Davos in 2020, he said that The US will not help Europe in the event of a conflict.

– You must understand that if Europe is attacked, We will never come to your aidTo support you – Trump allegedly warned then.

– and still, NATO is dead and we will leave it. We will leave NATO. (…) the author By the way, you owe me 400 billion Because you Germans didn't pay as much as you should have paid for defense – it should have been added immediately.

Recalling the alleged conversation, Commissioner Brenton warned that Trump could soon become the head of the largest Western power again. He also added that the above words were an alarm signal to him that Europe was on its own. In addition to the Frenchman, the then Trade Commissioner was also said to have overheard the conversation Phil Hogan.

Trump boycotted televised debates

At the same time that Fox News broadcast Trump's rally in Iowa, there was a debate between the Republican presidential candidates on CNN. As in the previous four debates, the billionaire announced a boycott.

In the end, only two other candidates came on stage and qualified and received more than 10 percent. Support. They were Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and former US Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley. One of the topics of controversy was further aid to Ukraine.

– Ukraine's support is 3.5 percent of our budget. Also, I don't want to send money, only equipment and ammunition (…) We don't have to make a choice when it comes to our national security. This is about the safety of Americans. This is to avoid war. It's about keeping our soldiers out of the war, said Haley, who supports military aid and Ukraine's NATO membership.

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