A series of five talks with one of the most prominent Polish translators dedicated to antiquity and the main phenomena of literary history related to antiquity.

  1. Homer, epic and the beginning of literature
  2. Sophocles and Ancient Drama
  3. Shakespeare and the beginning of modernity
  4. Racine and Classicism
  5. Hölderlin and the Birth of Romanticism

In the first two episodes, Antoni Libera talks about antiquity in a conversation with Mariusz Sieshlik. About Homer's epics and Sophocles' tragedies. In the following sections, we consider how the ancient heritage influenced Shakespeare, Racine, and Hölderlin. The works of these authors, fundamental for the development of European literature, were translated by Antoni Libera.

This structure of the series will allow us to tell the story of the roots of European literature from which the present day is derived. Also draw a picture of eras, genres and dominant themes.

Antoni Libera – writer, translator, director. He is the author of the bestselling novel “Madame”, the collection of short stories “Niech się panu” and the essays “Godot and his shadow”. A prominent expert on the works of Samuel Beckett, whose plays he has translated and exhibited in Poland, Great Britain, USA and Ireland. His translation achievements include works by Shakespeare, Racine, Wilde, Cavafy, Sophocles and Hölderlin. His translation of the Odyssey will be published soon.

Mariusz Cieslik, publicist, screenwriter, director and novelist. He has published four books, including: a collection of short stories “Joyful Lovers” and a novel “The Feast of Dormition”. As a screenwriter, he worked on TVP series (“Lawyers”), TVN (“Guardian Angel”) and Polsat (“Tościowie”). Among others, he directed: the documentaries “All the roles of Stanislav Bareya” and “The phenomenon of fog” and the biographical show “Herbert. “Reconstruction of the Poet”.

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