Mark Brzezinski met with the Minister of Justice on Wednesday. The official reason was to congratulate Bodnar on his nomination.

“During yesterday's meeting with the Minister of Justice, Adam Bodnar, I had the opportunity to congratulate him on his latest nomination. The United States and Poland share a commitment to the rule of law and the independence of the judiciary, which requires constant determination and renewal,” the US ambassador to Poland wrote.


Has the rule of law collapsed?

In recent weeks, Adam Bodnar has come under intense criticism for his actions in the field of justice. The politician is accused of not protesting the violation of the law when the authorities made illegal changes in the management of TVP.

In recent days, Bodnar has been in the spotlight again due to the case of Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Vesic, who were detained by the police despite the president's pardon.

The National Prosecutor's Office also criticized the minister for dismissing some of the prosecutors. Bodnar, among others, fired the prosecutor who handles civil cases Return scandalInvestigators conducting proceedings, including financial pyramid schemes (injured 90,000 people from all over the world), a prosecutor investigating almost 1,000 entities that involved, among others, money laundering using currency exchange offices and other organizations that offer similar services, as well Investigators investigating the murder of a child in Czestochowa and the responsibility of public officials.

Detention of politicians

CBA chiefs Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Vesic were present on Tuesday evening. They were arrested by the policemen. At the time of arrest, both politicians were in the presidential palace, from where they were taken to the police station at ul. Grenadiers, and then in the Grokhov pre-trial detention center.

The arrest of PiS MPs caused an uproar among President Andrzej Duda and Law and Justice.

The politicians of Jaroslaw Kaczynski's party believe that the arrest of Kaminski and Vesik is a political retribution by the new government. Both politicians are called “political prisoners” by their circles. In the statement released on Wednesday, Mariusz Kaminski also described himself. The former Minister of Internal Affairs and Administration also stated that the hunger strike has started. Later, Maciej Wąsik's wife stated that her husband also accepted this form of protest.

On Wednesday, the head of the presidential administration, Marcin Mastalerek, announced that the politicians were arrested in his office.

– Mariusz Kaminski and Macie Vasik were arrested in my office. At that time I was in the Vatican, I was on a business trip, I was not in the palace that day, I arrived only in the evening – he said in the Polsat News program “Event Guest”.

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