We have a clear definition of “political prisoner”.

In accordance with the resolution adopted by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe on October 3, 2012:
“A person deprived of liberty should be considered a “political prisoner”: e) if the deprivation of liberty resulted from proceedings conducted in violation of the principle of justice of the proceedings, which may stem from the political motives of the government.”

Does everyone know that at night, a panic-stricken Simon tearful re-installed the barriers in front of the Sejm?
Does everyone already know that political prisoners of the Tusk regime were taken far outside Warsaw because their wives asked them to come to the Free Poles March prison and support them? Surely they are not afraid of this “handful of pensioners” because they have been trumpeting this manifestation for a long time? which one isn't
When we hear about the big comeback of railings today, doesn't it make us smile? This is how Poland smiles…

These bastards think that everything will somehow go away and calm down. It won't go away, it won't calm down and no one will forget what they are doing. The deadline will not expire. They don't even realize how angry they are. There are people, but they will feel it on their own skin
When the wind of history blows, people grow wings like beautiful birds and their pants flutter.

The eagle will tear down the bars
It will be good again
Poland will be good
The red spade will die

All honest people are going to Warsaw today!

I appeal to all law-abiding and honest people to follow the newly created account Committee for the Protection of Political Prisoners (link is external)
. From him we constantly learn about the political prisoners, ministers Kaminsky and Vesik, who were illegally kidnapped yesterday.

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