The Republican Party's presidential primary will be held next week in the state of Iowa. Candidates who remain in the race are campaigning intensively.

Republican primary

Polls show that Donald Trump is the clear favorite. Behind him is a fairly close competition between Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and former US Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley, who is positioning himself in stark contrast to the former president.

On Wednesday, Trump held a concert in Des Moines, Iowa. The politician was asked, among other things, about protecting America's border from foreign masses. Republicans are demanding that the Biden administration limit its asylum policy and resume construction of a wall on the border with Mexico, from where masses of Africans, Asians, but also, to a lesser extent, Chinese and Russians are flowing into the United States. The matter is serious, especially since it is happening in December The US Senate rejected it According to Republicans, a huge financial package for Ukraine precisely because the project did not include funds for border protection.

immigrants. Trump: Democrats Will Eliminate “Sanctuary Cities”

However, Trump remains optimistic on the matter. A politician in Iowa claimed that the so-called Sanctuary citiesWhere immigrants gather, it will not last long.

Trump estimated that this practice will end. “The Democrats are going to end this because it's unsustainable,” Trump said in response to a question from a self-identified voter. Therefore, according to him, he, like the president, may no longer have to deal with this problem.

– If you look at New York, you have a mayor (Eric Adams – ed.) who is now really hostile to the administration (President Biden – ed.) – Trump said about the symbolic response of the southern states, that is, sending buses. With illegal immigrants in several cities run by pro-immigration Democrats. Finally, the mayor of New York said it was in the city There is no room for more immigrants. He also took legal action against the Texas Transportation Company.

– What happened is that this country cannot support 15 or 16 million (illegal immigrants – ed.). I think this is a real number. “I think by the time (Joe Biden's) administration is over, and hopefully soon, it will be 18 million people,” Trump said.

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(translate tags)Donald Trump

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