As of 11 January 2024, Prime Minister Donald Tusk dismissed Beata Daszczynska-Muzicka from the position of President of the Management Board of Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego (BGK) and Jerzy Schmitt from the Supervisory Board of BGK.

Daszyńska-Muzyczka has been the President of the Management Board of BGK since 2016.

BGK is a Polish development bank that initiates and implements programs for the economic growth of Poland, cooperating with all development institutions such as PFR, KUKE, PAIH, PARP and ARP. The bank cooperates with business, public sector and financial institutions, responds to economic needs and takes a number of initiatives promoting sustainable development. BGK has branches in Brussels, London, Frankfurt am Main and Amsterdam. BGK supports the export and foreign expansion of Polish companies. He is the founder, co-founder and major shareholder of the Three Seas Fund, which invests in transport, energy and digital infrastructure in the countries of the Three Seas region.

A series of resignations in state institutions

Prime Minister Donald Tusk on Wednesday Heads of three state institutions were dismissed: Konrad Vnek from the post of director of the War Loss Institute. Jan Karski, Andrzej Przylbski as director of De Republica Institute, Michal Kot as director of Generation Institute.

The prime minister dismissed the president of ZUS

Also on Wednesday, Donald Tusk, at the request of the Minister of Family, Labor and Social Policy, dismissed the president of ZUS, Prof. Gertrude Uchinska.

Statement on the dismissal of the president of the social insurance institution He received it in the Prime Minister's office Tuesday, January 9. Agnieszka Dziemyanovich-Bek justified that Prof. Uścińska is necessary “because of the new challenges posed by the October 15 coalition government in the field of social security”. The new president must ensure “responsible management of such an important institution”.

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(tags translated)Donald Tusk

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