An individual amnesty can be granted before a final judgment, an indictment, or a prohibited act has been committed. The Constitutional Tribunal finally decided in 2023 that this is how the president's pardon power should be understood. It is, of course, a law that gives a license to kill. The president can hire a hitman and can pardon him before the assassination, thereby giving him the safe conduct of impunity.

However, this does not happen only when the law of grace is recognized as an individual amnesty. Even a narrowly understood pardon law, which applies only after a final verdict, is a license to kill, because the president can promise a hired killer that he will pardon him after a final conviction. He does not give him safe conduct, but his promise. The law of pardon, however understood, is a license to kill. And that's exactly why it exists.

It exists so that the Secret Service can go unpunished, so that the President can approve actions by the Secret Service that require illegal action. A state that has this capability is stronger than a state that does not. Just as a state that can raise an army to attack another state, and it is legal in that state, will be more powerful than a state that has a law that absolutely forbids killing, even by soldiers in war.

The president is the commander-in-chief of the armed forces and can order soldiers to kill and bomb any target for any reason. If he is allowed to order the killing of soldiers, he is also allowed to order the killings of the secret services. The president has a license to kill and can use it in large-scale wars, that is, mass killings and small-scale individual killing orders. This is the wolf law of every country that has given it to itself.

Every state law is a threat, it deals with the future. The sovereign says to the subject: if in the future you do C (prohibited action), I will do C (punishment) to you. The law of grace allows the sovereign to make an exception, it allows him to say of a particular subject: Although I promised that if someone does C, I will do C to him, if you do S (a special task) that probably requires you to do C , I won't do C to you. The law of pardons operates before the act, it allows the sovereign to order illegal acts from his secret services. Often, there is no need to implement C, because in certain cases the implementation of S does not require it. The pardon law is a license to kill because C can be murder. A license to kill, like the death penalty, does not compel murder. It's just a license to kill with impunity. The amnesty law is primarily intended for the activities of the secret services.

Grzegorz GPS Świderski

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