The validity of the parliamentary elections of October 15, 2023 was fully confirmed by the Extraordinary Control and Public Affairs Chamber of the Supreme Court.

The Supreme Court said 1,177 were reported Election protest. The Extraordinary Control Chamber has assessed that 14 of them are justified, although they claim that they did not influence the outcome of the election. 11 protests were groundless and two cases were dismissed. The rest of the protests were left without further action due to formal errors, Polsat News reported.

The Supreme Court confirmed the validity of the parliamentary elections

Legitimate protest included: not recording the voter's vote in the protocol based on the voting certificate prepared by the District Election Commission; refusal to issue a ballot and refusal to correctly add to the voter's list; The members of the District Election Commission take the ballots to other rooms while counting the votes.

The Supreme Court is obliged to issue a resolution on the validity of the Seym and Senate elections no later than on the 90th day after the election, at an open session with the participation of the Prosecutor General and the Chairman of the National Election Commission.

Seim and Senate elections

The turnout in the Seym elections was 74.38%, and in the Senate elections – 74.31%.

in the elections of the Seimas Law and justice received 35.38 percent. Vote (194 seats), Civil Coalition – 30.70 percent (157), Third Way – 14.40 percent (65), New Left – 8.61 percent (26), and Confederation – 7.16%. (18). Non-partisan local self-government (1.86%) was below the electoral threshold.

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