– This is only for today, they put him to rest early in the morning and will take him in the evening, if he is not too stressed, but I hope not. The barriers were placed by the police after assessing the risks associated with today's events and today's rally, Chichotsky said.

This was announced by PiS spokesman Rafal Bochenek PiS expects this At several tens of thousands of demonstrations.

Chichok: We hope that the rally will be peaceful

We all hope that yesterday's address from the President is heeded by the protesters and that the protest will proceed peacefully, but the risks indicated by the police force us to be concerned about the safety of the demonstrators and the officers. Head of the Chancellery of the Parliament.

– In case there are people in the crowd who want to break the order, break into the Sejm building, throw something, etc., therefore this decision and security at this stage is a fundamental issue, while the Sejm remains open. Citizens, the barriers will disappear and we will continue what Marshal Holonia announced, he assured.

Barriers in front of the Sejm

at night The barriers are back in front of the building The Lower House of the Parliament by the decision of Shimon Holavnia. In the morning, the Speaker of the Seimas noted that today's rally organized by PiS was the reason. “The primary goal is the safety of demonstrators and officers during the gathering. Security protection will be installed at the request of the police and will be dismantled after the protest. The Sejm is and will be open and safe for citizens. Whether anyone likes it or not. No,” the speaker's spokesperson assured.

Barriers were erected in front of the Parliament in 2018. Politicians and supporters of the KO, Left and Third Way argued that the fence was a symbol of PiS's eight-year rule and praised Shimon Holonia for removing it.

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PiS publishes a spot. “Tusk introduced a dictatorship”
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Macierewicz: Tusk committed the worst crime in Polish history

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