I was guided by Jazgdinia's statement regarding Tusk.
I quote: “(…) he's also a puppet, which in his psychopathic fascination he may not even know. He's drawn to the Berlin puppets. And they're also controlled by the Sims, puppet masters of even higher order. Like Meatball's pyramid.”
Sometimes you can try to learn more. I was looking for these “dolls”. The source texts are not recent, but their meaning does not change because of this.
According to the opinions in the links, excerpts of which he quotes: “… it is no secret that blocking EU funds for Poland under the pretext of the rule of law is forcing the European Commission to do so by German MEPs (…) Der Spiegel recalls the events of December 2020, when it fought to “save the rule of law in Europe” . Regarding Ursula von der Leyen, “regarding the heavy-handed implementation of the rule of law mechanism.” It was supposed to allow the EU to stop payments to countries that promote corruption or limit the independence of the judiciary. (…) Parliament wanted strict regulations, the Council criticized this issue. The Social Democrats and the conservative EPP were ready to agree to a compromise proposal, leaving the decision in the hands of the Greens and Liberals. German Green politician Daniel Freund concluded that “the proposal does not go far enough. Enough is enough”, and Moritz Koerner (FDP) shared the same opinion.
Koerner and Freund did not give up. (…) From the beginning, both insisted on using the new mechanism. (…) The longer von der Leyen refused to act, the more severe the attacks became.” And Freud threatened to “complain to the European Commission”, writes “Spiegel”. As “Der Spiegel” emphasizes, the struggle of both MPs for “more rule of law” forced the head of the European Commission von der Leyen “to finally confront Poland and Hungary. In October 2021, the parliament decided to complain about the European Commission. Such a step was taken only once in the history of the European Union. It was preceded by Intense negotiations, as the EPP initially did not want to take legal action against its own commission president (…) Von der Leyen was very annoyed by them, but could no longer ignore them (…). Koerner (both in their first term in the European Parliament). They became the most famous German MPs in Brussels.” “Few parliamentarians are as closely associated with the given issue as these two” – emphasizes “Spiegel”. Although the Greens and the FDP fight each other in the Bundestag, despite governing together. As part of a coalition, “it's the opposite in Brussels, at least when it comes to these two: Koerner and Freund work closely together, even though their factions belong to different camps on environmental policy, EU finance and free trade. In the end, the two German MPs “succeeded “. “After long negotiations, we convinced the conservatives to remain part of the law-abiding majority,” Freund said in an interview with SPIEGEL. Other members of the European Parliament, such as former German Justice Minister Katharina Barley (SPD), also called on von der Leyen to take action. “But it was the alliance between the Greens and the Liberals that was the main factor influencing the attitude of the EP.”
I think it is enough.
I think I know who drives the puppet named Donald Tusk. Yes, Tusk, you had great ambitions, but you became a puppet. This is what you wanted. The desire for power at any cost and revenge is dangerous. Especially for dishonesty.
Links from which I downloaded the quotes:

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