First of all, he made it very difficult for the players

See also: Poland Tournament 2024. Schedule. when to jump at what time

Already in the summer, the football players said that they felt solid training in their legs. They were so tired that they were practically invisible at the summer Grand Prix. We know it doesn't matter much because it's winter, but it was already obvious that something was wrong.

– Then Turnbichler said that everything was under control, that the map would take shape, because by then the players would have regained their freshness – says Tomasz Kalemba, a jumping expert at Interia. – However, when the map didn't work out, it turned out that our staff was overloaded. The dismissal of Mark Noelke, the coach responsible for physical training, was an admission of Turnbichler's mistake, because he was the one who financed it all.

We had to push through the hard training until the end. However, we're half a season behind us and we still haven't gotten into the swing of things. And it's hard to say when we'll actually get the news back. The latest is that he will return to the Polish tournaments this weekend.

Second – media clutter in the frame

Turnbichler did not control the players' training and their emotions. After the first bad results, our jumpers stood in front of the cameras and did not bite their tongues. Then it turned out that their statements were directed at Nolke, but then, after Ruka, you can think that there was no atmosphere in the team, there is no more Stoch or Kubak behind Turnbichler. Anyway, after hearing them, the fan nodded and asked himself: Is the pilot coming to us? It all looked like the coach had lost touch with his base.

Third – equipment

In this regard, we spent the preparation period and the first month of the season. – Turnbichler claimed for a long time that there was no problem with the equipment, but at the Four Hills tournament new outfits appeared. Probably more of a placebo, but on the other hand, competitors said they jumped better in the new ones than in the old ones. This equipment error is surprising because we have the best specialists on our staff, emphasizes Kalemba.

Fourth – from warm to cold

The fact that our jumpers flew to Cyprus for a training camp was very controversial. However, Turnbichler had an idea for the players to rest and refresh there. – The problem is that immediately after returning from Cyprus, he took our team to Lillehammer. Suddenly we went from very warm to minus 15 degrees. It really wasn't good. After Cyprus, the players should have had peace and quiet, notes our expert.

Fifth – technique

The difficulty of the competitors led to their technical problems in the approach position. – The problem became so big that the shoes were changed, identical soles were introduced and a different approach had to be used regarding the mobility of the ankle joint – Kalemba enumerates, adding only that it is difficult to work. If you're new to the technique and how your head is filled with thoughts of how to get back in shape. No wonder our jumpers were completely lost.

Sixth – every decision was delayed

Last season, Turnbichler was able to surprise, address facts and correct mistakes before anyone thought they might appear. All of the Austrian's decisions this season were delayed. He only reacted when all of Poland saw how bad it was. Moreover, he often lacked decisiveness. – Before Klingenthal, the whole team was ready to withdraw. I mean Stoch, Kubaki and Zila. In the meantime, only the first one was removed from the competition, and this helped him to a certain extent – Kalemba notes, because otherwise the coach listened to the players who said they wanted to jump. However, this was not good for them, because instead of correcting their mistakes, they only made it worse.

Seventh, there is no support base

It has been said for a long time that Polish skis are Stoch, Kubak, Zila. Lack of equipment is a big problem. Unfortunately, Turnbichler still couldn't solve it, and now it seems that if the old ones don't jump, there is no one to replace them. – He came to the national team to bring young players. Of course, he can't handle the current affairs, so it is possible that he will leave the seniors under the supervision of other coaches in the next season and take care of their replacement group himself. He will still supervise everything, but he will take special care of the back office, Kalemba says.

By the way, settling with a coach who spends almost 100 percent of his time on second-string players seems to be the need of the hour. And while the number of mistakes Turnbichler makes can be a headache, entrusting him with this task shouldn't be a fool's errand. This season has been a painful lesson for the Austrian, but if he learns from it, he will be wiser for them and there will be few surprises for him next year.

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