The recent actions of Donald Tusk's government have caused a serious political crisis in Poland. It includes: about the steps taken in relation to taking control of the public media and the arrest of Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Vesic.

Kosiniak-Kamysz: Our voters said “no” to the third term of PiS

On Thursday evening, Władysław Kosniak-Kamisz – Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of National Defense and President of the Polish People's Party, which forms the government with Polska 2050 – spoke for the first time in days.

“On October 15, the voters of the Third Way said 'no' to the third term of PiS, they identify themselves as supporters of the rule of law, democracy and self-government and remain loyal to these values.” It's time for PiS politicians. Let's finally get the election results,” Kosniak-Kamish wrote on the X platform.


Morawiecki to the voters of the third way: are you sure to vote for such a government?

before that Mateusz Morawiecki addressed the voters of the third way. The former prime minister spoke in front of the Seimas on Thursday at a demonstration organized by Law and Justice with the slogan “Protest of free Poles”.

– Did you really vote for the government that attacked the courts in less than a month? (…). For a government that fights free media, that wants a media monopoly so that all important media speak with one voice? Morawiecki asked.

– Dear third way voters, will there be a third term for TD Tusk? Should this pave the way for those who say back: “There is no money and there will be no money, there is no social policy, there is no equalization of opportunities”? – said the former prime minister.

– If the answer to this question is positive, it is worth thinking about whether this choice was right, because we need you too. Everyone who wants the good of Poland, who really has Poland in their heart, not on a plastic sticker – he said.

The third force in the Seimas

The Third Way has 65 MPs in the Sejm – 33 from Poland in 2050 and 32 from the PSL. In the October 15 election, TD took third place, receiving 3,110,670 votes (14.4%).

(tags translated)kosiniak-kamysz

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