Former CBA chiefs Mariusz Kaminski and Mackie Vesic stayed on Tuesday. They were arrested in the presidential palace, where they stayed at the invitation of President Andrzej Duda. PiS politicians were first taken to the police station at ul. Grenadiers, and then in Grokhov's advance division.

On Wednesday, they were transferred to other prisons – Kaminski prison in Radom and Vesik in the town of Przytuli Stare near Ostrolenka. Before that, both politicians started a hunger strike.

Kaminsky and Vesik were arrested in the presidential palace. “Crossing the Rubicon”

Prof. Geopolitical policy and strategy analyst, Polish People's Republic opposition activist Wojciech Miślecki said in the “Układ Otwarty” podcast that the police action at the presidential palace was a “crossing of the Rubicon” by Donald Tusk's government.

– It can be said that the current ruling camp has crossed the Rubicon because, in addition to falsification, falsification of the law and the creation of two parallel legal worlds, it has introduced an element of disrespect to the highest office that is the head of state. He emphasized.

– Entering the residence of the head of state, waiting for the president to leave and entering there quietly. In addition, the State Security Service, which was not delegated to protect the head of state, found itself subordinate to the Minister of Internal Affairs and cooperated instead of protecting or preventing the intervention.

Mishlek: Not everything will be decided by law. In addition to the law, there is also culture and custom

Myshletsky noted that the presidential palace is not an extraterritorial place, but “besides the law, there is also culture and custom.” – Everything will not be decided by the law – he added.

– This is the crossing of the Rubicon and the price we will all pay – not only the current government – will be very high – said the professor.

– begins a free American woman. At the moment, I see no other solution than the reconstruction of the ruling camp. We need a constitutional majority to form a grand political coalition to manage state affairs. “Unfortunately, this cannot be sorted out in this political system,” he said.

Also read:
Kosniak-Kamish breaks the silence. He turned to PiS politicians

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