Norbert Yanecki, better known on the Internet as Varshavski Dresik, was recently hospitalized. Since Saturday, he has been under the supervision of doctors in the cardiology department, where he was taken by ambulance. The famous actor from the Patrick Vega film admitted that he initially ignored the symptoms of a cold.

Norbert Janek is fighting for his life. Myocarditis was diagnosed

Norbert JanekKnown in the acting industry and as a YouTuber, he gained fame thanks to his roles in popular series such as “Na Wspólnej”, “Na signale”, “Na dobre i na evil” or “Ojciec Mateusz”. His characteristic muscular figure often predestined him for tough guy and gangster roles.

Janek also collaborated with the director Patrick Vegaappeared in the film “Pitbull. Dangerous Women”. In the virtual world it is known as Warsaw Drezik And he enjoys a lot of interest on Instagram, where he has almost 70,000 followers.

Recently, he shared some disturbing news with his fans. The 37-year-old actor announced this on Saturday He is in the hospital. “There are too many letters to answer each one separately. I have been in the hospital since Saturday. They took me to the ambulance because I was feeling sick,” he explained at the beginning.

His health condition is serious – except Pneumoniawith Janeki Myocarditis was diagnosedwhich in the worst case may require a heart transplant.

“A little, of course I ignored the previous cold And it turns out that I am here now Pneumonia and myocarditisBecause no matter what, the gym was more important than rest and healing,” he admitted.

“But everyone learns from their mistakes and it's a bit difficult for me to realize that I'm not made of steel like I used to be,” he emphasized.

He made it clear that he acted unwisely by ignoring the signals his body was giving him. “Once I blew out my knee, covered it with sand and continued running. This time is no more. The years pass behind us and you feel young again,” he explained.

Warsaw Drezik does not lose optimism. He hopes to leave the hospital soon. “I'm not saying the last word yetI will win this because I have a lot of support from you and I have someone to live for. Now be more careful and take care of your health,” he added.

Finally, he addressed the observers. “Thank you for your kind words, they give me a lot of strength. But also thank you for being with me and always supporting me,” he noted. “I'm lying down, resting and thinking a lot, I must go somewhere to rest. Take care of yourself, take care of yourself, because that's the most important thing,” he concluded.

Many netizens wished him a speedy recovery. There were those who decided to add their “five cents”.

“Lots of guys have been suffering from myocarditis lately”; “Dude, lay off the steroids, maybe it's time…” – they write. Jenecki snapped back, “You know nothing about steroids and you're just making a comment. They're not steroids, read it.”

Someone else wrote: “I had pericarditis due to unhealing sinuses, I was in the hospital for a week, I do not recommend it to anyone – health and respect!”

“Recently I had purulent sinusitis and it affected my lungs and then my heart, but people don't understand that,” answered the actor.

Colds and myocarditis. What are the dangers of ignoring the common cold?

Ცiv, which is usually a viral infection, can cause general inflammation in the body. In some cases, especially when the infection is not properly treated or the person has a weakened immune system, the inflammatory process can spread to other organs, including the heart.

Myocarditis: This is a condition in which the heart muscle becomes inflamed. It can be caused by a variety of factors, including viral and bacterial infections and some autoimmune diseases. Viruses responsible for the common cold, such as rhinoviruses and adenoviruses, can contribute to this condition in rare cases.

Symptoms and risks: Myocarditis Chest pain, breathing problems, and irregular heartbeat may occurAnd in more serious cases, it can cause heart failure or arrhythmia. Ignoring the initial symptoms of a cold and not treating it properly can increase the risk of such complications.

Need for treatment: It's important not to ignore cold symptoms, especially if they persist or worsen. Early intervention and proper treatment can prevent more serious complications.

Consultation with a doctor: In case of suspicion of myocarditis, urgent medical consultation is necessary. A specialist may recommend appropriate tests, including an EKG, blood test or echocardiography, to assess the condition of the heart.

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