Andrzej Duda forgives Maciej Vesik and Mariusz Kaminski once again. However, this time the president did not issue a pardon act, but only initiated a long and difficult procedure. “This makes it possible to maintain the rhetoric that the courts and the Prosecutor General's Office are holding 'political prisoners,'” wrote constitutionalist Dr. Stepniak.

What does the second pardon mean? Duda interferes with the issues of Kaminski and Vesik

– I am starting the pardon procedure – he said Andrzej Duda before the start of the march Yaroslav Kaczynski. – This situation is difficult for me due to legal and personal reasons. Mariusz Kaminski is my friend, I know him He is a crystal honest person – added.

The president explained that the decision was motivated by the appeals of his wives Maciej Wąsik and Mariusz Kaminski. – The ladies came to me to ask for the release of the MPs as soon as possible, especially since both of them started a hunger strike – he said.

Prof. Anna SiewierskaPolitical scientist at the Institute of Political Science of the University of Rzeszów. onTopic predicted it Andrzej Duda It will delay the pardon procedure.

– Yaroslav Kaczynski will not allow Messrs. Wasik and Kaminski to remain behind bars. No doubt these gentlemen are very well informed, Also thanks to Pegasus spyware – she said.

– They know too many secrets of Kaczynski and his close associates, so that PiS can break the risk – he explained.

– I think the leadership of PiS does not want to strain the patience of former ministers, which is why President Andrzej Duda will announce a pardon in a week. He is forced to do so by Jaroslaw Kaczynski, who treats him as a puppet. – he announced.

Andrzej Duda thunders about political prisoners

What does the second attempt to pardon politicians mean? Commenting on the start of the amnesty procedure, Dr. Kamil Stepniak, a constitutional expert, emphasized that we are dealing only with the announcement of the start of the amnesty procedure. As he explained, pardon can be done in two ways.

  • the first is Procedure from the Code of Criminal Procedure
  • The second is simply a release An act of grace On the basis of the Constitution, in particular, Art. 139

“The act of pardon can be executed directly. (…) the pardon procedure provided for by the Criminal Procedure Code is time-consuming and the convicts must meet certain conditions”, he explained.

Both courts and tribunals are involved in long and time-consuming procedures Attorney General Adam Bodnar. Meanwhile, there are doubts whether Vesik and Kaminski meet the procedure.

“Gentlemen, in my opinion, they do not meet the conditions for the application of this provision. However, it allows us to maintain the rhetoric that the courts and the Attorney General's Office are holding 'political prisoners,'” said Dr. Stepniak.

“Let's not lie to Andrzej Dudam”

At the same time, the president of the Criminal Law Institute of Kraków, St. Dr. Mykolai Maletsky “X” platform to write what we are dealing with.

“Let's not be fooled by PAD's actions. He handed over the case to the General Prosecutor's Office and the courts, started a time-consuming pardon procedure with the KPK. Kamiński/Wąsik does not meet the conditions for pardon. What is important. The president refused to use the independent act of pardon under Article 139 “, he writes.

“The act of mercy does not exist yet, at the moment he announced the initiation of procedures under Article 567 of the Criminal Procedure Code. He could have invoked the amnesty act directly from Article 139 of the Constitution, but he did. Don't do it today,” he added.

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