“We fully support the new government's actions to restore the rule of law and restore democracy in Poland,” Weber told PAP when asked about the Vesik and Kaminski case.

The German MEP added that “after eight years of destructive rule of law and justice, the task before the new government is important but also full of challenges.”

– We fully support the actions of the new pro-European government aimed at ending the rule of law crisis in the country, emphasized Weber, who is the chairman of the European People's Party (EPP) faction in the European Parliament.

Szydlo on Weber's words: That's why he sent Tusk to Poland

PiS representatives criticized the words of the German politician. “Manfred Weber came to the rescue of Donald Tusk and assured him that he fully supports the actions of the Tusk government. I have no doubt that Herr Weber fully supports what Tusk is doing – that's why he sent him back to Poland,” wrote Beata Szydlo on X . Platform, PiS MEP and former Prime Minister.


“Mr. German loves lawlessness and anarchy in Poland. I am not at all surprised,” said Kazimierz Smolinski, a PiS lawmaker.


Kaminski and Vesik were arrested. They went to prison

The former CBA chiefs, Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Wasik, remained on Tuesday evening. They were arrested in the presidential palace, where they stayed at the invitation of the president. PiS politicians were first taken to the police station at ul. Grenadiers, and then in Grokhov's advance division.

On Wednesday, they were transferred to other prisons – Kaminski prison in Radom and Vesik in the town of Przytuli Stare near Ostrolenka. Before that, both politicians started a hunger strike.

The former ministers remained December According to the final verdict, 2023 in the activity e. land scandal, even though President Andrzej Duda used the amnesty law against them in 2015. He did so after a partial ruling, which lawyers dispute.

There will be a second pardon. The President announced the decision

On Thursday, the president decided – at the request of the wives of Mariusz Kaminski and Macie Vasik – F. Initiating a pardon case to both politicians. Duda applies to the General Prosecutor with a request to suspend the execution of the sentence against Kaminski and Vesik.

“The act of thanks that I issued as president, in accordance with the constitution, fully in accordance with valid standards, is effective, and in my personal opinion, you are still deputies, legally, fully in accordance with Polish legislation,” he said. President.

Also read:
Second pardon of PiS politicians. Kaczynski responds to the President's decision

(tags translated) Weber

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