In the presidential palace Andrzej Duda met the wives of Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Vesic – Barbara Kaminska and Roma Vesic.

The president announced this in a statement released to the media He starts the pardon procedure Regarding the former heads of CBA. – My act of pardon in 2015 was legal. Nevertheless, today the gentlemen are in prison and their lives are in danger every day. Therefore, at the request of the wives of Mariusz Kaminski and Macie Wasik, I decided to start the pardon process. This will be a presidential process, absolutely in accordance with all constitutional standards, the head of state said.

Kaminski and Wasik were arrested on Tuesday evening at the presidential palace, where they stayed at the invitation of President Andrzej Duda.

In December, the court sentenced the former heads of the CSBA to two years of absolute imprisonment for the so-called Land scandal, despite the fact that in 2015 President Andrzej Duda used the amnesty law against them (after an indefinite sentence).

Maciej Wąsik's wife: This is not the end

It started at 16:00 on Thursday “Protest of Free Poles” Organized by Law and Justice. Jaroslaw Kaczynski's party announced the demonstration as a form of protest against the actions of Prime Minister Donald Tusk's government against state media. The protest also concerns the imprisonment of PiS politicians Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Vesic.

The event was attended by the wives of the former heads of the SSBA. – We want to thank you very much. Once we had the opportunity to see our husbands, they asked us to tell them that it was very important for them that they had your support – said the wife of Maciej Vesik.

– We still have doubts when our husbands will be released from prison. President Andrzej Duda decided to listen to our requests. It will be an act of grace and we hope to see our husbands home today or tomorrow. This is not the end because we don't know when they will come out. We cannot forget them, Roma Vesic said.

– Do everything so that the Minister of Justice, Adam Bodnar, decides to release our husbands – appealed Mariusz Kaminski's wife, Barbara.

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Kaczynski spoke about the PiS protest. He spoke about the march in the institutions
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(tags translated) Barbara Kaminska

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