According to a United Surveys study for Wirtualna Polska, 34.4 percent of Poles believe that the confusion over the verdicts and parliamentary mandates of Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Vesic is the fault of Jaroslaw Kaczynski and the United Right. 25.8 percent indicated by Donald Tusk and the government majority and 20.3 percent by President Andrzej Duda. The third way voter is the most undecided.

In a recent United Surveys survey for Wirtualna Polska, respondents were asked: “Who do you think is responsible for the constitutional crisis and the misunderstanding related to the decisions and mandates of the parliament?” Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Wąsik?”.

Kaczynski is responsible for Poland's political crisis

The results of the study showed that “mostly because 34.4 percent The respondents felt that they were responsible for this Yaroslav Kaczynski and united right-wing In power in 2015-2023.

25.8 percent The respondents noted Donald Tusk And today's government majorityThat is, the civil coalition, the third way and the left. 20.3 percent assessed that the president is guilty Andrzej Duda. They said they have no opinion on the matter 19.5 percent” – we are reading.

The survey showed that “among voters of law and justice 68 percent He replied that he was guilty Donald Tusk With the current government majority.

“1 percent believes that Andrzej Duda is responsible for this.” 31 percent have no opinion on this issue. 53 percent of Civil Coalition voters believe that Jaroslaw Kaczynski and the United Right are responsible for the crisis, while 41 percent believe that Andrzej Duda is to blame. 5 percent of the voters of this party chose Donald Tusk and the current government majority. Only 1% have no opinion on this issue“- it was written.

Third way voters are undecided

It's interesting, mainly because 42 percent voters The third waydeclares No point in this case”.

35 percent believes that Jaroslaw Kaczynski and the United Right are guilty, 20 percentthis Andrzej DudaA 3 percentThat Donald Tusk and the current government majority. among voters 49 percent left believes that Yaroslav Kaczynski and the United Rightists are guilty, A 51 percentthat Andrzej Duda. Most voters Confederation (56 percentblames the PiS president and his camp for the constitutional crisis, 31 percent Andrzej Duda, A 13 percent Donald Tusk and the current ruling majority,” it was noted.

The results of the study were published on Friday, January 12. The survey was conducted on January 10 using the CATI method on a group of 1,000 respondents.

The case of Kaminski and Vesik

At the end of 2023, the Warsaw District Court issued a decision regarding the actions of Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Vesik in the so-called Land scandal in 2007. PiS politicians were sentenced to two years in prison. The Warsaw-Shrodmieski District Court stated that it was prepared production orders Deputies were sentenced to prison.

On January 9, 11 politicians remained Presidential Palace. Officially, they took part in the ceremony of appointing new advisers to the head of state. A few hours later, at 15:00, the deputies made a statement in the courtyard of the building. They stated that they were not hiding at all and were going to participate in the event organized by PiS “March of Free Poles” January 11.

Around 19, it was reported that President Duda He left the presidential palace and went to meet Sviatlana Tsykhanuskaya. Shortly after, the officers entered the building and arrested the deputies who were there.

Kaminsky and Vesik were the first to meet him District police headquarters, Warsaw VII ul. GrenadiersAnd earlier, 22 of them were taken from the police station down Warsaw-Grokhov Pretrial Detention Center. On January 11, the media established The politicians were taken from the Grokhov detention center for plants radome and near Ostrolenka.

Also read:,suski-chcial-odwiedzic-kaminskiego-w-areszte-w-radomiu-nie-wpuscili-go

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