On Thursday, a demonstration organized by Law and Justice was held in front of the Sejm with slogans “Protest of Free Poles”. It is a form of protest against the actions of Prime Minister Donald Tusk's government regarding state media. The protest also concerns the imprisonment of PiS politicians Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Vesic.

The procession started in front of the Seimas at 16:00. Leading politicians of PiS made speeches. The participants of the action moved to the headquarters of the television news agency pl. Warsaw rebels. PiS supporters came to the capital from all voivodships. According to the organizers, more than 300,000 people gathered there. people. On the other hand, the Warsaw City Hall estimates the number of participants to 35,000.

Jerzy Zelnik on the protest of free Poles. Did he go to the march?

In an interview with Onet, actor Jerzy Zelnik admitted that he did not appear at the demonstration. The actor appeared in Antony Krause's film Smolensk, among others, and participated in previous marches organized by PiS.

– I have not participated in any action for many years. I have used street methods to express my views many times in my life, and I no longer have the health to do so. I express my citizenship in a different way, he said.

– I took the position of an observer, probably too comfortable for some. I think we should cool our emotions and give the authorities a hundred days, which will be the first turning point. Let's keep calm and wait for some issues to be resolved. I understand that legal ambivalence can cause concern and need to be addressed. Until the interpretation of the law allows for a clear diagnosis, the struggle will continue. I say this as a lover of Poland, added the actor.

A famous actor on the actions of the new government. “Be careful not to throw the baby out with the bath water”

The actor emphasizes that in the current situation it is better to calmly wait for the development of events and the time when certain events will normalize. He also called for calm for the good of Poland. “Both sides of the political debate may resent me for taking that attitude, but I'm going to stand by it,” he admitted.

He also emphasized that the new government should not erase everything that law and justice has achieved in the last eight years.

– You should be careful not to throw the baby out with the bath water. Everything that was the work of PiS should not be rewritten – it would be suicide, he said. In this context, he recalled: communication, legal and economic solutions, as well as independence from Russia in terms of energy resources.

– Let's not forget the Institute of National Memory, which made a great contribution to the restoration of knowledge of our history. I enjoyed watching how Poland was developing and getting stronger, including from a military point of view – he added in an interview with Onet.

The actor admitted that “we are in a difficult moment of confusion and struggle.” – We need patience. We have to solve some issues together. But if decisions are made that are not in accordance with my conscience, I will also rebel, he said.

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