– Allen's life is in danger. I am not afraid to say that he is in danger of death, Hiromi Rollin, Alain Delon's former caretaker, who was fired earlier, told RTL. The woman claims that the actor's children have finished their father's treatment. In the background of this case, there is a dispute over inheritance of property by relatives.

He confirmed my fear Anuchka (actor's daughter, author's note) and her lawyer. They said they stopped treatment at the end of August, Rollin said. However, these are not the only allegations that have surfaced recently surrounding Delon.

The eldest son of the 88-year-old actor, Antonypublicly stated that his Anuchka's half-sister hid her father's health condition and neglected him. His position was supported by his younger brother Alain-Fabienwho also accused Difficulty meeting with the head of the family.

It is worth noting that both of Delon's sons should have received it after his death Each gets a 25 percent reduction, while Anochka can get a 50 percent reduction.

“Anouchka always had a special relationship with her father. Alain Delon never hid his stormy relationship with his son, about which he never stops complaining,” says the lawyer of the actor's half-daughter, Christophe Aiel.

Who is guilty of what?

Interestingly, last October a news website “News in France“He said that it was Hiromi Rollins was accused of being aggressive and humiliating He even insulted Delon and animals (allegedly hitting the actor's dog). The complaint was filed by the lawyer of his three children.

In April 2022, we wrote that Alain Delon decided to… ended his life. The 86-year-old French movie star has been talking about the procedure for some time Euthanasia. It should be noted that the actor was injured Double stroke in 2019.

In November 2023, the topic returned, but then the actor simply stated that he was in favor of euthanasia. – Firstly, because I live in Switzerland, where euthanasia is possible, and secondly. I think that you can do it in the most logical and natural way – said the star.

He then added that “aging is bitter.”

Also read: https://natemat.pl/404917,alain-delon-podda-sie-eutanazji-pozegnalny-list

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