PiS MEP Dominik Tarczynski appeared in the program of the far-right publicist Jacek Posobiec. The American alt-right mainstream. The Polish politician said, among other things: about his admiration for Donald Trump. A rather shocking word was said on the air.

Absurd statement of PiS deputy. That's what he praised Trump for

Trump is an inspiration, gave us so much strength. This is needed more than ever, he argued in this interview PiS MEP Dominik Tarczynski.

As he emphasized, Poland needs Trump and the thinking he represents. According to him, it was about family support or normality (in the case of the right wing this usually means restricting women's rights and LGBT+ community).

Tarczynski also decided to impersonate the former US president He wore a red baseball cap with the words “Make Europe Great Again”. It's a reworking of Trump's “Make America Great Again” slogan.

He was impressed by Tarchinsky's speech Janusz Kowalski from sovereign Poland. “Poland really needs Donald Trump, who supported Poland and not Germany during his presidency. And the first thing Joe Biden did was to reach an agreement with Vladimir Putin and Angela Merkel regarding Nord Stream II. After that, Putin decided to attack Ukraine. “- The politician writes on the website X.

Patrick Michalski of Wirtualna Polska responded to this post. “I admit that I am shocked by this statement and wonder if this is the entire position of PiS. In recent days we have heard that Trump allegedly said that the US would not defend Europe if attacked,” he wrote. on his account.

It is important that in the last few days information about this was spread in the media Donald TrumpThe US president told top European officials that the US would never come to the aid of Europe if it was attacked.

Trump was not going to help attack Europe

Thierry Breton, the French commissioner responsible for the EU's internal market, said Trump had brought the comments to the European Commission president. Ursula von der Leyen During the World Economic Forum in Davos in January 2020.

As Reuters writes, during a panel discussion in Brussels, Breton recalled his memories of the meeting, in which he also participated.

Let's add here that he is a far-right publicist Jack Posobiekwith whom Tarchinsky talked, is the so-called alt-right (alt-right). It is a combination of far-right ideologies, and its followers believe that the “white identity” is under attack from other cultures and races, and they want to undermine the civilization of white people through political correctness or social justice. They are hostile towards the LGBT+ community and women's rights.

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