Judge Igor Tulea, known for his antipathy towards PiS, gave an extensive interview to “Gazeta Wyborcza”.

The judge was asked about the ideological successors of the Minister of Justice in the Helsinki Foundation, who loudly oppose the ideas and sometimes even the idea of ​​restoring the rule of law to Justice, and recently about the legality of the actions of Minister Sienkiewicz. television. And they are not the only ones.” “Why do so many people on the democratic side have a problem with fixing the unconstitutional regulations passed during the PiS era?” – asks Valdemar Pash.

“I do not understand. Like Prof. Sadursky I believe that we should not ignore the illegal regulations”, said Igor Tulea. “People who restore the rule of law have the power to take decisive action. After all, there is no sign of equality between those who are today making decisive movements to restore the rule of law and those who have destroyed the rule of law. The goal of today's actions is noble, it is to restore the rule of law,” he said.

Dismissal of the members of the National Council of the Court by resolution

According to the judge, “Democrats also have the right to revenge – They can restore the rule of law by the same actions that destroyed it – That is, for example, according to the resolution of the Seimas, the dismissal of 15 judges from the National Council of the Judicial System and the dismissal of the double of the Constitutional Tribunal.

“We must remember the principle of proportionality, that is, the use of adequate measures as close as possible to the normative letter of the law, without limiting constitutional individual rights. This was done in the case of television,” adds Igor Tuleya.

The journalist asked: “Why don't you call Minister Bodnar or his deputy Maria Eichart and ask them what is going on?” “I will never be called by the Ministry, I know my place in the queue, I am an ordinary judge of the General Court, an ordinary member of the judiciary,” replied Igor Tulea.

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